11 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften → Chemische Verfahrenstechnik → Chemische Verfahrenstechnik KlassifikationSchliessenFilter1
zu den Filteroptionen11 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften → Chemische Verfahrenstechnik → Chemische Verfahrenstechnik
Pattern-Dependent Response Modulations in Motion-Sensitive Visual Interneurons-A Model Study
Meyer, Hanno Gerd ; Lindemann, Jens Peter ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: PLoS ONE, Jg. 6 H. 72011Peak intensity prediction in MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry: A machine learning study to support quantitative proteomics
Timm, Wiebke ; Scherbart, Alexandra ; Boecker, Sebastian ; Kohlbacher, Oliver ; Nattkemper, Tim WilhelmIn: BMC Bioinformatics, Jg. 9 H. 1, S. 443 ff.2008Phage Genome Diversity in a Biogas-Producing Microbiome Analyzed by Illumina and Nanopore GridION Sequencing
Willenbücher, Katharina ; Wibberg, Daniel ; Huang, Liren ; Conrady, Marius ; Ramm, Patrice ; Gätcke, Julia ; Busche, Tobias ; Brandt, Christian ; Szewzyk, Ulrich ; Schlüter, Andreas ; Barrero Canosa, Jimena ; Maus, IrenaIn: Microorganisms, Jg. 10 H. 22022Phylogenetic classification of short environmental DNA fragments
Krause, Lutz ; Diaz, Naryttza N. ; Goesmann, Alexander ; Kelley, Scott ; Nattkemper, Tim Wilhelm ; Rohwer, Forest ; Edwards, Robert A. ; Stoye, JensIn: Nucleic Acids Research, Jg. 36 H. 7, S. 2230-22392008Physiological response of Corynebacterium glutamicum to indole
Walter, Tatjana ; Veldmann, Kareen ; Götker, Susanne ; Busche, Tobias ; Rückert, Christian ; Kashkooli, Arman Beyraghdar ; Paulus, Jannik ; Cankar, Katarina ; Wendisch, Volker F.In: Microorganisms, Jg. 8 H. 122020Precise timing in fly motion vision is mediated by fast components of combined graded and spike signals
Beckers, U. ; Egelhaaf, Martin ; Kurtz, RafaelIn: Neuroscience, Jg. 160 H. 3, S. 639-6502009A predicted physicochemically distinct sub-proteome associated with the intracellular organelle of the anammox bacterium Kuenenia stuttgartiensis
Medema, Marnix H. ; Zhou, Miaomiao ; van Hijum, Sacha A. F. T. ; Gloerich, Jolein ; Wessels, Hans J. C. T ; Siezen, Roland J. ; Strous, MarcIn: BMC Genomics, Jg. 11 H. 12010Protein purification by Off-Gel electrophoresis
Ros, Alexandra ; Faupel, Michel ; Mees, Hervé ; Oostrum, Jan van ; Ferrigno, Rosaria ; Reymond, Frédéric ; Michel, Philippe ; Rossier, Joël S. ; Girault, Hubert H.In: Proteomics, Jg. 2 H. 2, S. 151-1562002Proteiniphilum saccharofermentans str. M3/6 T isolated from a laboratory biogas reactor is versatile in polysaccharide and oligopeptide utilization as deduced from genome-based metabolic reconstructions
Tomazetto, Geizecler ; Hahnke, Sarah ; Wibberg, Daniel ; Pühler, Alfred ; Klocke, Michael ; Schlüter, AndreasIn: Biotechnology Reports, Jg. 182018