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- Philosophie und Psychologie
- Psychologie
- Psychologie
- Sinneswahrnehmung, Bewegung, Emotionen, Triebe
- Kognitive Prozesse, Intelligenz
- Unterbewusste und bewusstseinsveränderte Zustände
- Differentielle Psychologie, Entwicklungspsychologie
- Vergleichende Psychologie
- Angewandte Psychologie
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Wirtler, U. ; Angleitner, AloisIn: Zeitschrift für Gerontologie, Jg. 13 H. 4, S. 359-3721980Language and opinion as determinants of behavior and experience during interactions: The example of doctor-patient communication
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Stumpf, Heinrich ; Angleitner, AloisIn: Diagnostica, Jg. 35 H. 3, S. 211-2161989Lateral attitude change: Delayed focal effect after displacement?. Research Report
Boege, Ronja ; Linne, Roman ; Glaser, Tina ; Bohner, Gerd2020Lateral attitude change: Does acceptance versus rejection of focal change cause generalization versus displacement?. Research Report
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Bohner, Gerd ; Schapansky, EvelynIn: International Journal of Conflict and Violence, Jg. 122018Learning from instructional explanations: Effects of prompts based on the active-constructive-interactive framework
Roelle, Julian ; Müller, Claudia ; Roelle, Detlev ; Berthold, KirstenIn: PLoS ONE, Jg. 10 H. 42015Learning real-life cognitive abilities in a novel 360°-virtual reality supermarket: a neuropsychological study of healthy participants and patients with epilepsy
Grewe, Philip ; Kohsik, Agnes ; Flentge, David ; Dyck, Eugen ; Botsch, Mario ; Winter, York ; Markowitsch, Hans J. ; Bien, Christian ; Piefke, MartinaIn: Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, Jg. 10 H. 12013Leaving Religion: Deconversion
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Stapels, Julia ; Eyssel, FriederikeIn: PLOS ONE, Jg. 16 H. 12021The lexical approach to personality: A historical review of trait taxonomic research
John, Oliver P. ; Angleitner, Alois ; Ostendorf, FritzIn: European Journal of Personality, Jg. 2 H. 3, S. 171-2031988LGBT trauma in turkey and psychological consequences of working/volunteering with LGBT trauma
Namer, Yudit ; Hünler, Olga Selin ; Pereira, H. (Hrsg.) ; Costa, P. (Hrsg.)2014The living dead? Perception of persons in the unresponsive wakefulness syndrome in Germany compared to the USA
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