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zu den Filteroptionen34 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Philosophie und Psychologie → Psychologie
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- Philosophie und Psychologie
- Psychologie
- Psychologie
- Sinneswahrnehmung, Bewegung, Emotionen, Triebe
- Kognitive Prozesse, Intelligenz
- Unterbewusste und bewusstseinsveränderte Zustände
- Differentielle Psychologie, Entwicklungspsychologie
- Vergleichende Psychologie
- Angewandte Psychologie
Task demands affect spatial reference frame weighting during tactile localization in sighted and congenitally blind adults
Schubert, Jonathan T. W. ; Badde, Stephanie ; Röder, Brigitte ; Heed, TobiasIn: PLOS ONE, Jg. 12 H. 122017Task-irrelevant expectation violations in sequential manual actions: Evidence for a “check-after-surprise” mode of visual attention and eye-hand decoupling
Foerster, Rebecca M.In: Frontiers in Psychology, Jg. 72016Task-irrelevant features in visual working memory influence covert attention: Evidence from a partial report task
Foerster, Rebecca M. ; Schneider, Werner X.In: Vision, Jg. 3 H. 32019Telephone Support in an Internet-Based Treatment for Sleep Problems in Early Childhood
Schlarb, Angelika ; Brandhorst, Isabel ; Peters, Elisabeth ; Hautzinger, MartinIn: Journal of Psychiatry, Jg. 21 H. 12017Temperament and the big-five factors of personality
Angleitner, Alois ; Ostendorf, Fritz ; Halverson, C. F. (Hrsg.) ; Kohnstamm, G. A. (Hrsg.) ; Martin, R. P. (Hrsg.)1994Temperament research: some divergences and similarities
Strelau, Jan ; Angleitner, Alois ; Strelau, Jan (Hrsg.) ; Angleitner, Alois (Hrsg.)1991Testing Is More Desirable When It Is Adaptive and Still Desirable When Compared to Note-Taking
Heitmann, Svenja ; Grund, Axel ; Berthold, Kirsten ; Fries, Stefan ; Roelle, JulianIn: Frontiers in Psychology, Jg. 92018Texture-defined objects influence responses of blowfly motion-sensitive neurons under natural dynamical conditions
Ullrich, Thomas ; Kern, Roland ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, Jg. 8, S. 34 ff.2014There are many reasons to drive a BMW: Does imagined ease of argument generation influence attitudes?
Wänke, Michaela ; Bohner, Gerd ; Jurkowitsch, AndreasIn: Journal of Consumer Research, Jg. 24 H. 2, S. 170-1781997Thought experiment: Decoding cognitive processes from the fMRI data of one individual
Wegrzyn, Martin ; Aust, Joana ; Barnstorf, Larissa ; Gippert, Magdalena ; Harms, Mareike ; Hautum, Antonia ; Heidel, Shanna ; Herold, Friederike ; Hommel, Sarah M. ; Knigge, Anna-Katharina ; Neu, Dominik ; Peters, Diana ; Schaefer, Marius ; Schneider, Julia ; Vormbrock, Ria ; Zimmer, Sabrina M. ; Woermann, Friedrich G. ; Labudda, KirstenIn: PLOS ONE, Jg. 13 H. 92018To lead and to lag - forward and backward recalibration of perceived visuo-motor simultaneity
Rohde, Marieke ; Ernst, Marc O.In: Frontiers in Psychology, Jg. 3, S. 559 ff.2013Tool-use: An open window into body representation and its plasticity
Martel, Marie ; Cardinali, Lucilla ; Roy, Alice C. ; Farnè, AlessandroIn: Cognitive Neuropsychology, Jg. 33 H. 1-2, S. 82-1012016Toward a Contextually Valid Assessment of Partner Violence: Development and Psycho-Sociometric Evaluation of the Gendered Violence in Partnerships Scale (GVPS)
Gößmann, Katharina ; Ibrahim, Hawkar ; Saupe, Laura ; Neuner, FrankIn: Frontiers in Psychology, Jg. 112021Toward FRP-Based Brain-Machine Interfaces - Single-Trial Classification of Fixation-Related Potentials
Finke, Andrea ; Essig, Kai ; Marchioro, Giuseppe ; Ritter, HelgeIn: PLoS ONE, Jg. 11 H. 12016