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zu den Filteroptionen453 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik
El Nino: effects of environmental stress on pinniped populations
Trillmich, Fritz ; Breckle, Siegmar-Walter (Hrsg.)In: Stress - auf allen Ebenen, Jg. 6, S. 103 ff.1992Saccadic flight strategy facilitates collision avoidance: closed-loop performance of a cyberfly
Lindemann, Jens Peter ; Weiss, Holger ; Möller, Ralf ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: Biological Cybernetics, Jg. 98 H. 3, S. 213-2272008Saturated NHC Derived Dichalcogen Dications
Rottschäfer, Dennis ; Fuhs, Desiree E. ; Neumann, Beate ; Stammler, Hans-Georg ; Ghadwal, RajendraIn: Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, Jg. 646, S. 574-5792020Scalar conservation laws with rough flux and stochastic forcing
Hofmanová, MartinaIn: Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations. Analysis and Computations, Jg. 4 H. 3, S. 635-6902016Scaling and asymptotic scaling in the SU(2) gauge theory
Fingberg, Jochen ; Heller, U. M. ; Karsch, FrithjofIn: Nuclear Physics, B, Jg. 392 H. 2, S. 493-5171993Scaling and asymptotic scaling in the SU(2) gauge theory
Fingberg, Jochen ; Heller, U. M. ; Karsch, FrithjofIn: Nuclear Physics, B: Proceedings Supplements, Jg. 30, S. 343-3461993Scaling of pseudocritical couplings in two-flavor QCD
Karsch, FrithjofIn: Physical Review, D, Jg. 49 H. 7, S. 3791-37941994Scanning curves and kinetics of the acetylcholine/acetylcholine receptor hysteresis
Neumann, Eberhard ; Boldt, Elvira ; Rauer, Barbara ; Wolf, Hendrik ; Chang, Hai WonIn: Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, Jg. 20 H. 1-3, S. 45-561988Scanning tunneling microscopy on rough surfaces: deconvolution of constant current images
Reiss, Günter ; Schneider, F. ; Vancea, Johann ; Hoffmann, HorstIn: Applied physics letters, Jg. 57 H. 9, S. 867-8691990Scanning tunneling microscopy on rough surfaces: quantitative image analysis
Reiss, Günter ; Brückl, Hubert ; Vancea, Johann ; Lecheler, R. ; Hastreiter, E.In: Journal of applied physics, Jg. 70 H. 1, S. 523-5251991Scanning tunneling microscopy on rough surfaces: tip-shape-limited resolution
Reiss, Günter ; Vancea, Johann ; Wittmann, H. ; Zweck, Josef ; Hoffmann, HorstIn: Journal of applied physics, Jg. 67 H. 3, S. 1156-11591990Scanning tunneling potentiometry (STP) studies of gold islands on a thin carbon film
Besold, J. ; Reiss, Günter ; Hoffmann, HorstIn: Applied surface science, Jg. 65-66, S. 23-271993Scents of Adolescence: The Maturation of the Olfactory Phenotype in a Free-Ranging Mammal
Caspers, Barbara ; Schroeder, Frank C. ; Franke, Stephan ; Voigt, Christian C.In: PLoS ONE, Jg. 6 H. 62011