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Peters, Anna-Lena: Goals to change oneself: A state and trait perspective on self-regulated personality development in adulthood. 2015
1. Introduction and overview
1.1 The hierarchical structure of personality
1.2 Approaches to stability and change in personality
1.3 Personality trait development across the lifespan: Patterns and mechanisms
1.5 Goals to change oneself
1.6 Change goals as driving factors in adult personality development
1.7 Integrating trait and state perspectives on personality development
1.8 The present dissertation
2. To what extent can we influence personality change? – Motivational determinants of personality development
2.1 Introduction
2.2 What factors drive adult personality development?
2.3 The active role of the individual: Self-regulated personality development
2.4 Short-term personality development: Can personality traits change within a relatively short period of time?
2.5 Goals to change oneself and personality trait development: Can people really change for the better simply if they want to?
2.6 Major life goals and personality trait development
2.7 The present study
2.8 Method
2.8.1 Participants
2.8.2 Procedure
2.8.3 Measures
2.8.4 Data analysis
2.9 Results
2.9.1 Attrition analyses
2.9.2 Measurement invariance model
2.9.3 Short-term changes in personality traits across nine months
2.9.4 Change goals as predictors of mean-level personality trait changes
2.9.5 Major life goals as predictors of mean-level personality trait changes and inter-individual differences in change
2.10 Discussion
2.10.1 Can personality traits change within a relatively short period of time?
2.10.2 Goals to change oneself and personality trait development: Can people really change for the better simply if they want to?
2.10.3 Major life goals and personality trait development
2.10.4 Limitations and future directions
2.11 Conclusion
3. A micro-analytical perspective on intentional personality change: Linking goals to change oneself, personality states and major life goals
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Personality states as a function of goals to change oneself
3.3 Major life goals and personality states
3.4 Transactions between personality traits and investment into trait-related behavior
3.5 The present study
3.6 Method
3.6.1. Participants
3.6.2 Procedure
3.6.3 Measures
3.6.4 Data analysis
3.7 Results
3.7.1 Within- and between-person variability in personality states
3.7.2 Personality states as a function of current change goal characteristics
3.7.3 Major life goals and personality states
3.7.4 Transactions between personality traits and investment into trait-related behavior
3.8 Discussion
3.8.1 Personality states as a function of current change goal characteristics
3.8.2 Major life goals and personality states
3.8.3 Transactions between personality traits and investment into trait-related behavior
3.8.4 Limitations and future directions
3.9 Conclusion
4. General discussion and future directions
4.1 Explaining normative changes in personality traits
4.2 Can interventions help individuals change their personality traits?
5. Conclusion
6. References
7. Appendices