Autonomy is an essential factor to maximize the
scientific return of exploratory missions, and it in-
creasingly motivates the development of intelligent
technologies that reduce the need for remote con-
trol or human supervision. is is the case for in-
stance in the fields of rover navigation or on-board
science analysis for planetary exploration. Inter-
estingly, some of the tasks involved in such en-
deavors are also faced and efficiently solved by bio-
logical systems in nature, e.g. the animal olfactory
system is able to autonomously detect and track
cues (molecules) over long distances; it can robustly
cope with sparse or noisy data, and it requires low
computational complexity and energy consump-
tion. On account of such capabilities, technolo-
gies that find inspiration in the neural architecture
of biological systems present intrinsic advantages
that give answers to the requirements of space en-
vironments. is paper outlines recent work in
the fields of bio-inspired autonomous navigation
and neuromorphic chemical sensing. We envision
that these two approaches can be merged to pro-
duce novel techniques for autonomous exploration
in space applications.