The application of multi-tag protocols in fluorescence microscopy allows the visualization of a large number (> 10) of molecules (i. e. proteins) in a sample (like a tissue section). However, the analysis of such high dimensional bioimages is a difficult task for most of the labs, since software solutions for particular data mining steps are difficult to use or just not available. In this paper we present two new free online tools: MICOLT (Multivariate Image COlocation Tool) and MIFIST (Multivariate Image Frequent Item Set Tool). Both tools can
be used via our recently proposed online bioimage analysis
platform BioIMAX, so users can upload their bioimage data,
apply the tools and share the results with other invited users based on BioIMAX’ concept of shared virtual projects. Data mining with these tools includes the computation and visualization colocation factors well established in the microscopy community (like Mander’s score) and association rule mining following the frequent item set principle, thereby supporting large and small scale analysis.