In this paper we analyze an endogenous growth model with human capital that
results from public educational spending. We allow for public debt and analyze
three different debt policies: a balanced government budget, a slight deficit policy
where debt grows but less than GDP, and a strong deficit policy where debt grows at
the same rate as GDP. We find that the balanced budget policy and the policy with
a slightly growing public debt are equivalent as concerns long-run economic growth.
Further, those two rules yield higher growth than a debt policy where public debt
grows at the same rate as GDP, unless the government is a creditor. As concerns
welfare, it can be demonstrated that a strong deficit policy yields lower welfare
than a balanced budget and a slight deficit, unless initial debt ratios are low and
the intertemporal elasticity of substituion is high. Finally, it is demonstrated that
there may exist an inverted U-shaped relation between welfare and deficit financed
educational spending.