Synthetic speech can be used to express uncertainty in dialogue
systems by means of hesitation. If a phrase like “Next
to the green tree” is uttered in a hesitant way, that is, containing
lengthening, silences, and fillers, the listener can infer that
the speaker is not certain about the concepts referred to. However,
we do not know anything about the referential domain of
the uncertainty; if only a particular word in this sentence would
be uttered hesitantly, e.g. “the greee:n tree”, the listener could
infer that the uncertainty refers to the color in the statement,
but not to the object. In this study, we show that the domain
of the uncertainty is controllable. We conducted an experiment
in which color words in sentences like “search for the green
tree” were lengthened in two different positions: word onsets or
final consonants, and participants were asked to rate the uncertainty
regarding color and object. The results show that initial
lengthening is predominantly associated with uncertainty about
the word itself, whereas final lengthening is primarily associated
with the following object. These findings enable dialogue
system developers to finely control the attitudinal display of uncertainty,
adding nuances beyond the lexical content to message