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Identifying the reasons for coordination failure in a laboratory experiment
Külpmann, Philipp ; Khantadze, Davit2016Immigrants, occupations and firm export performance
Marchal, Léa ; Nedoncelle, ClémentIn: Review of International Economics, Jg. 27 H. 5, S. 1480-1509Immigration, occupational choice and public employment
Marchiori, Luca ; Pieretti, Patrice ; Zou, Benteng2014Impact of Euro-area Membership on Structural Reforms in Product Market and Business Regulation
Schönfelder, NinaIn: Cesifo Economic Studies, Jg. 65 H. 1, S. 16 - 43The impact of institutional performance on payment dynamics: evidence from the Italian manufacturing industry
Falavigna, Greta ; Ippoliti, RobertoIn: Journal of Business Economics and Management, Jg. 21 H. 5, S. 1285-1306The impact of multiperiod planning horizons on portfolios and asset prices in a dynamic CAPM
Hillebrand, Marten ; Wenzelburger, Jan2005The impact of time limitation: Insights from a queueing experiment
Conte, Anna ; Scarsini, Marco ; Sürücü, OktayIn: Judgment and Decision Making, Jg. 11 H. 3, S. 260-274Implementation of the Kalai Smorodinski bargaining solution in dominant strategies
Haake, Claus-Jochen1998Implementing demand equilibria as stable states of a revealed demand approach
Albers, Wulf ; Laing, James D.1991Implementing the modified LH-algorithm
Krohn, Ingomar ; Moltzahn, S. ; Rosenmüller, Joachim ; Sudhölter, P. ; Wallmeier, H.-M.1989Impossibility results for infinite-electorate abstract aggregation rules
Herzberg, Frederik ; Eckert, Daniel2010