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zu den Filteroptionen22 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Mathematik → Mathematik
On a generalized matching problem arising in estimating the eigenvalue variation of two matrices
Elsner, Ludwig ; Johnson, Charles R. ; Ross, J. A. ; Schönheim, J.In: European Journal of Combinatorics, Jg. 4, S. 133-136On cloud-antichains and related configurations
Ahlswede, Rudolf ; Zhang, ZhenIn: Discrete Mathematics, Jg. 85 H. 3, S. 225-245On convexity properties of the spectral radius of nonnegative matrices
Elsner, LudwigIn: Linear algebra and its applications, Jg. 61 H. Sept, S. 31-35On eigenvectors and adjoints of modified matrices
Elsner, Ludwig ; Rózsa, P.In: Linear and multilinear algebra, Jg. 10 H. 3, S. 235-247On invariant closed curves for one-step methods
Beyn, Wolf-JürgenIn: Numerische Mathematik, Jg. 51 H. 1, S. 103-122On matrices leaving invariant a nontrivial convex set
Elsner, LudwigIn: Linear algebra and its applications, Jg. 42, S. 103-107On measures of nonnormality of matrices
Elsner, Ludwig ; Paardekooper, M. H. C.In: Linear algebra and its applications, Jg. 92, S. 107-123On minimax estimation in the presence of side information about remote data
Ahlswede, Rudolf ; Burnashev, M. V.In: The annals of statistics, Jg. 18 H. 1, S. 141-171On modular representations of $A_{4}$
Dlab, Vlastimil ; Ringel, Claus MichaelIn: Journal of algebra, Jg. 123 H. 2, S. 506-522On multiple descriptions and team guessing
Ahlswede, RudolfIn: IEEE transactions on information theory, Jg. 32 H. 4, S. 543-549On Rutishauser's approach to self-similar flows
Watkins, David S. ; Elsner, LudwigIn: SIAM Journal on matrix analysis and applications, Jg. 11 H. 2, S. 301-311On source coding with side information via a multiple-access channel and related problems in multi-user information theory
Ahlswede, Rudolf ; Han, Te SunIn: IEEE transactions on information theory, Jg. 29 H. 3, S. 396-412On the convergence of asynchronous paracontractions with application to tomographic reconstruction from incomplete data
Elsner, Ludwig ; Koltracht, Israel ; Neumann, MichaelIn: Linear algebra and its applications, Jg. 130, S. 65-82On the effect of the perturbation of a nonnegative matrix on its Perron eigenvector
Elsner, Ludwig ; Johnson, Charles R. ; Neumann, Michael M.In: Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Jg. 32 H. 1, S. 99-109On the numerical approximation of phase portraits near stationary points
Beyn, Wolf-JürgenIn: SIAM journal on numerical analysis, Jg. 24 H. 5, S. 1095-1113On the variation of permanents
Bhatia, Rajendra ; Elsner, LudwigIn: Linear and multilinear algebra, Jg. 27 H. 2, S. 105-110On the variation of the spectra of matrices
Elsner, LudwigIn: Linear algebra and its applications, Jg. 47 H. Oct, S. 127-138Operations in the algebraic K-theory of spaces
Waldhausen, Friedhelm ; Dennis, R. Keith (Hrsg.)Operators of finite rank in unitary representations of exponential Lie groups
Poguntke, DetlevIn: Mathematische Annalen, Jg. 259 H. 3, S. 371-383