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Babo1, formerly Vop1 and Cop1/2, is no eyespot photoreceptor but a basal-body protein illuminating cell division in Volvox carteri.
von der Heyde, Eva Laura ; Hallmann, ArminIn: The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology, Jg. 102 H. 2, S. 276-298The behavioural relevance of landmark texture for honeybee homing
Dittmar, Laura ; Egelhaaf, Martin ; Stürzl, Wolfgang ; Böddeker, NorbertIn: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, Jg. 5 H. 5, S. 20 ff.Beyond Transcription: Fine-Tuning of Circadian timekeeping by post-transcriptional regulation
Mateos, Julieta Lisa ; de Leone, Maria José ; Torchio, Jeanette ; Reichel, Marlene ; Staiger, DorotheeIn: Genes, Jg. 9 H. 12BIIGLE 2.0 - Browsing and Annotating Large Marine Image Collections
Langenkämper, Daniel ; Zurowietz, Martin ; Schoening, Timm ; Nattkemper, Tim WilhelmIn: Frontiers in Marine Science, Jg. 4 H. MarchA Bio-inspired Collision Avoidance Model Based on Spatial Information Derived from Motion Detectors Leads to Common Routes
Bertrand, Olivier ; Lindemann, Jens Peter ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: PLoS Computational Biology, Jg. 11 H. 11A Bio-Inspired Model for Visual Collision Avoidance on a Hexapod Walking Robot
Meyer, Hanno Gerd ; Bertrand, Olivier ; Paskarbeit, Jan ; Lindemann, Jens Peter ; Schneider, Axel ; Egelhaaf, Martin ; Lepora, F. Nathan (Hrsg.) ; Mura, Anna (Hrsg.) ; Mangan, Michael (Hrsg.) ; Verschure, F.M.J. Paul (Hrsg.) ; Desmulliez, Marc (Hrsg.) ; Prescott, J. Tony (Hrsg.)Biphasic Study to Characterize Agricultural Biogas Plants by High-Throughput 16S rRNA Gene Amplicon Sequencing and Microscopic Analysis
Maus, Irena ; Kim, Yong Sung ; Wibberg, Daniel ; Stolze, Yvonne ; Off, Sandra ; Antonczyk, Sebastian ; Pühler, Alfred ; Scherer, Paul ; Schlüter, AndreasIn: Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Jg. 27 H. 2, S. 321-334Blood parasite infections in a wild population of ravens (Corvus corax) in Bulgaria
Shurulinkov, Peter ; Spasov, Lachezar ; Stoyanov, Georgi ; Chakarov, NaydenIn: Malaria journal, Jg. 17 H. 33Blood Serum Stimulates p38-Mediated Proliferation and Changes in Global Gene Expression of Adult Human Cardiac Stem Cells
Höving, Anna Lena ; Schmidt, Kazuko E. ; Merten, Madlen ; Hamidi, Jassin ; Rott, Ann-Katrin ; Faust, Isabel ; Greiner, Johannes ; Gummert, Jan ; Kaltschmidt, Barbara ; Kaltschmidt, Christian ; Knabbe, CorneliusIn: Cells, Jg. 9 H. 6Bloom Filter Trie: an alignment-free and reference-free data structure for pan-genome storage
Holley, Guillaume ; Wittler, Roland ; Stoye, JensIn: Algorithms for Molecular Biology, Jg. 11 H. 1Blowfly flight characteristics are shaped by environmental features and controlled by optic flow information
Kern, Roland ; Boeddeker, Norbert ; Dittmar, Laura ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: Journal of Experimental Biology, Jg. 215 H. 14, S. 2501-2514Bone Regeneration: A Novel Osteoinductive Function of Spongostan by the Interplay between Its Nano- and Microtopography.
Vordemvenne, Thomas ; Wähnert, Dirk ; Koettnitz, Julian ; Merten, Madlen ; Fokin, Nadine ; Becker, Andreas ; Büker, Björn ; Vogel, Asaria ; Kronenberg, Daniel ; Stange, Richard ; Wittenberg, Gunther ; Greiner, Johannes ; Hütten, Andreas ; Kaltschmidt, Christian ; Kaltschmidt, BarbaraIn: Cells, Jg. 9 H. 3Bromination of L-tryptophan in a fermentative process with Corynebacterium glutamicum
Veldmann, Kareen ; Dachwitz, Steffen ; Risse, Joe Max ; Lee, Jin-Ho ; Sewald, Norbert ; Wendisch, Volker F.In: Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Jg. 7„Neue Wege in die Biologie“ – eine moderne Ergänzung für jeden Biologieunterricht. Eine Rezension zu der gleichnamigen Buchreihe von Ulrich Kattmann
Schmäing, Till ; Wenzel, Annkathrin ; Nolding, Jana ; Grotjohann, NorbertIn: BU praktisch - Das Online-Journal für den Biologieunterricht, Jg. 3 H. 1: Quer durch das Tierreich, S. 8 ff.2020Bumblebee Homing: The Fine Structure of Head Turning Movements
Boeddeker, Norbert ; Mertes, Marcel ; Dittmar, Laura ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: PLoS ONE, Jg. 10 H. 9