22 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Informatik, Informationswissenschaft, allgemeine Werke → Informatik, Wissen, Systeme → Informatik, Informationswissenschaft, allgemeine Werke KlassifikationSchliessenFilter2
zu den Filteroptionen22 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Informatik, Informationswissenschaft, allgemeine Werke → Informatik, Wissen, Systeme → Informatik, Informationswissenschaft, allgemeine Werke
Wissensbasierte Methoden für Intelligente Virtuelle Realität
Wachsmuth, Ipke ; Gausemeier, Jürgen (Hrsg.) ; Grafe, Michael (Hrsg.) ; Meyer auf der Heide, Friedhelm (Hrsg.)In: 10. Paderborner Workshop Augmented & Virtual Reality in der Produktentstehung, Jg. 295 H. 295, S. 5-122011flexdiam – flexible dialogue management for incremental interaction with virtual agents (demo paper)
Yaghoubzadeh, Ramin ; Kopp, Stefan ; Traum, David (Hrsg.) ; Swartout, William (Hrsg.) ; Khooshabeh, Peter (Hrsg.) ; Kopp, Stefan (Hrsg.) ; Scherer, Stefan (Hrsg.) ; Leuski, Anton (Hrsg.)In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2016), Jg. 10011 H. 1, S. 476 - 4792016A Path-based Attention Guiding Technique for Assembly Environments with Target Occlusions
Renner, Patrick ; Blattgerste, Jonas ; Pfeiffer, Thies2018Patterns of Flow Pressure Due to Hand-water-interaction of Skilled Breaststroke Swimmers – A Preliminary Study
Ungerechts, Bodo ; Cesarini, Daniel ; Hamann, Maria ; Ritter, Yvonne ; Weidner, Sven ; Haldorn, Tim ; Hermann, ThomasIn: Procedia Engineering, Jg. 147, S. 330-335Perceptual Grouping through Competition in Coupled Oscillator Networks
Meier, Martin ; Haschke, Robert ; Ritter, Helge2013Performance regression testing and run-time verification of components in robotics systems
Wienke, Johannes ; Wrede, SebastianIn: Advanced Robotics, Jg. 31 H. 22, S. 1177-1192Personalized Maneuver Prediction at Intersections
Losing, Viktor ; Hammer, Barbara ; Wersing, Heiko2017Placing Objects in Gesture Space: Toward Real-Time Understanding of Spatial Descriptions
Han, Ting ; Kennington, Casey ; Schlangen, David2018Polygon Laplacian Made Simple
Bunge, Astrid ; Herholz, Philipp ; Kazhdan, Misha ; Botsch, Mario UlrichIn: Computer Graphics Forum, Jg. 39 H. 2, S. 303-313Predicting Disease-Gene Associations using Cross-Document Graph-based Features
ter Horst, Hendrik ; Hartung, Matthias ; Klinger, Roman ; Zwick, Matthias ; Cimiano, Philipp2016Probabilistic pragmatic inference of communicative feedback meaning
Buschmeier, Hendrik ; Kopp, Stefan2019Hybrid Mechanical and Data-driven Modeling Improves Inverse Kinematic Control of a Soft Robot
Reinhart, Felix ; Steil, Jochen J.In: Procedia Technology, Jg. 26, S. 12-192016Learning Compositionality Functions on Word Embeddings for Modelling Attribute Meaning in Adjective-Noun Phrases
Hartung, Matthias ; Kaupmann, Fabian ; Jebbara, Soufian ; Cimiano, PhilippIn: Proceedings of the 15th Meeting of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), Jg. Vol. 1 (Long Papers), S. 54-642017Echo State Networks as Novel Approach for Low-Cost Myoelectric Control
Prahm, Cosima ; Schulz, Alexander ; Paaßen, Benjamin ; Aszmann, Oskar ; Hammer, Barbara ; Dorffner, Georg ; ten Telje, Annette (Hrsg.) ; Popow, Christian (Hrsg.) ; Holmes, John H. (Hrsg.) ; Sacchi, Lucia (Hrsg.)In: Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2017), Jg. 10259, S. 338-3422017SCIO: An Ontology to Support the Formalization of Pre-Clinical Spinal Cord Injury Experiments
Brazda, Nicole ; ter Horst, Hendrik ; Hartung, Matthias ; Wiljes, Cord ; Estrada, Veronica ; Klinger, Roman ; Kuchinke, Wolfgang ; Müller, Hans Werner ; Cimiano, PhilippIn: Proceedings of the 3rd Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO): Ontologies and Data in the Life Sciences, Jg. 20502017Ontology-driven Visual Exploration of Preclinical Research Data in the Spinal Cord Injury Domain
Borowi, Alexander ; ter Horst, Hendrik ; Hartung, Matthias ; Estrada, Veronica ; Brazda, Nicole ; Müller, Hans Werner ; Cimiano, PhilippIn: Proceedings of the SEMANTICS 2017 Poster and Demo Track, Jg. 20442017