21 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Informatik, Informationswissenschaft, allgemeine Werke → Informatik, Wissen, Systeme → Spezielle Computerverfahren KlassifikationSchliessenFilter2
zu den Filteroptionen21 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Informatik, Informationswissenschaft, allgemeine Werke → Informatik, Wissen, Systeme → Spezielle Computerverfahren
Metric learning for sequences in relational LVQ
Mokbel, Bassam ; Paaßen, Benjamin ; Schleif, Frank-Michael ; Hammer, BarbaraIn: Neurocomputing, Jg. 169 H. SI, S. 306-322Direct Tactile Coupling of Mobile Phones with the feelabuzz System
Tünnermann, René ; Leichsenring, Christian ; Hermann, ThomasIn: Mobile Social Signal Processing. First International Workshop, MSSP 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, September 7, 2010, Invited Papers, Jg. 8045, S. 74-832014A Model for Context-sensitive Interpretation of Communicative Feedback
Buschmeier, Hendrik ; Kopp, Stefan2012A Model-based Hierarchical Controller for Legged Systems subject to External Disturbances
Xin, Guiyang ; Lin, Hsiu-Chin ; Smith, Joshua ; Cebe, Oguzhan ; Mistry, Michael2018Modeling a social brain for interactive agents: integrating mirroring and mentalizing
Kahl, Sebastian ; Kopp, Stefan ; Brinkman, W. P. (Hrsg.) ; Broekens, J. (Hrsg.) ; Heylen, D. K. J. (Hrsg.)2015Modeling of Movement Control Architectures based on Motion Primitives using Domain-Specific Languages
Nordmann, Arne ; Wrede, Sebastian ; Steil, Jochen J.2015Modeling Target-Distractor Discrimination for Haptic Search in a 3D Environment
Moringen, Alexandra ; Aswolinkiy, Witali ; Büscher, Gereon ; Walck, Guillaume ; Haschke, Robert ; Ritter, Helge2018Modeling the integration of active inference and sense of agency for self-other distinction
Kahl, Sebastian ; Kopp, Stefan2019Modeling the semantic coordination of speech and gesture under cognitive and linguistic constraints
Bergmann, Kirsten ; Kahl, Sebastian ; Kopp, Stefan ; Aylett, R. (Hrsg.) ; Krenn, B. (Hrsg.) ; Pelachaud, C. (Hrsg.) ; Shimodaira, H. (Hrsg.)2013MoveIt! Task Constructor for task-level motion planning
Görner, Michael ; Haschke, Robert ; Ritter, Helge ; Zhang, Jianwei2019Multilingual variation in the context of linked data
Montiel-Ponsoda, Elena ; McCrae, John ; Aguado-de-Cea, Guadalupe ; Gracia, Jorge2013Multimodal plan representation for adaptable BML scheduling
van Welbergen, Herwin ; Reidsma, Dennis ; Zwiers, JobIn: Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Jg. 27 H. 2, S. 305-327A multimodal scheduler for synchronized humanoid robot gesture and speech
Salem, Maha ; Kopp, Stefan ; Wachsmuth, Ipke ; Joublin, Frank ; Efthimiou, Eleni (Hrsg.) ; Kouroupetroglou, Georgios (Hrsg.)2011A Multimodal System for Real-Time Action Instruction in Motor Skill Learning
de Kok, Iwan ; Hough, Julian ; Hülsmann, Felix ; Botsch, Mario ; Schlangen, David ; Kopp, Stefan2015Multisensory Assisted In-hand Manipulation of Objects with a Dexterous Hand
Korthals, Timo ; Melnik, Andrew ; Hesse, Marc ; Leitner, Jürgen