15 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Informatik, Informationswissenschaft, allgemeine Werke → Informatik, Wissen, Systeme → Spezielle Computerverfahren KlassifikationSchliessenFilter2
zu den Filteroptionen15 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Informatik, Informationswissenschaft, allgemeine Werke → Informatik, Wissen, Systeme → Spezielle Computerverfahren
Rapid entrainment to spontaneous speech: A comparison of oscillator models
Inden, Benjamin ; Malisz, Zofia ; Wagner, Petra ; Wachsmuth, Ipke ; Miyake, N. (Hrsg.) ; Peebles, D. (Hrsg.) ; Cooper, R. P. (Hrsg.)2012Rare neural correlations implement robotic conditioning with reward delays and disturbances
Soltoggio, Andrea ; Lemme, Andre ; Reinhart, Felix ; Steil, Jochen J.In: Frontiers in Neurorobotics, Jg. 7, S. 6 ff.ReadXplorer 2 - detailed read mapping analysis and visualization from one single source
Hilker, Rolf ; Stadermann, Kai Bernd ; Schwengers, Oliver ; Anisiforov, Evgeny ; Jaenicke, Sebastian ; Weisshaar, Bernd ; Zimmermann, Tobias ; Goesmann, AlexanderIn: Bioinformatics, Jg. 32 H. 24, S. 3702-3708Real-time inference in a VLSI spiking neural network
Corneil, Dane ; Sonnleithner, Daniel ; Neftci, Emre ; Chicca, Elisabetta ; Cook, Matthew ; Indiveri, Giacomo ; Douglas, Rodney2012Refer-iTTS: A System for Referring in Spoken Installments to Objects in Real-World Images
Zarrieß, Sina ; Schlangen, David2017Representing Term Variation in lemon
Montiel-Ponsoda, Elena ; Aguado-de-Cea, Gudalupe ; McCrae, John2011ReSEED: Social Event dEtection Dataset
Reuter, Timo ; Papadopoulos, Symeon ; Mezaris, Vasilios ; Cimiano, Philipp2014Resource Efficiency of Scalable Processor Architectures for SDR-based Applications (Invited)
Jungeblut, Thorsten ; Ax, Johannes ; Sievers, Gregor ; Hübener, Boris ; Porrmann, Mario ; Rückert, Ulrich2011Results of the Survey: Failures in Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Wienke, Johannes ; Wrede, SebastianA robot as fitness companion: towards an interactive action-based motivation model
Süssenbach, Luise ; Riether, Nina ; Schneider, Sebastian ; Berger, Ingmar ; Kummert, Franz ; Lütkebohle, Ingo ; Pitsch, Karola2014A robot at home – How affect, technology commitment, and personality traits influence user experience in an intelligent Robotics Apartment
Bernotat, Jasmin ; Eyssel, Friederike Anne2017Robot feedback shapes the tutor's presentation. How a robot's online gaze strategies lead to micro-adaptation of the human's conduct
Pitsch, Karola ; Vollmer, Anna-Lisa ; Muehlig, ManuelIn: Interaction Studies, Jg. 14 H. 2, S. 268-296A robust sound perception model suitable for neuromorphic implementation
Coath, M. ; Sheik, S. ; Chicca, Elisabetta ; Indiveri, G. ; Denham, S. ; Wennekers, T.In: Neuromorphic Engineering, Jg. 7 H. 278, S. 1-10Rotary Surface Object Manipulation by Multifingered Robot Hand
Li, Qiang ; Haschke, Robert ; Ritter, Helge ; Bolder, Bram2012