The size of integrated circuit (IC) die has continuously increased due to Moore’s law
in the last few decades. A large system on chip (SOC) contains many complex analog
and digital blocks which must run at high clock rate to support the needs of today’s
applications. These large SOCs suffer from global interconnect delay bottleneck and
increased design complexity. In order to deal with this problem, the SOC can be
divided into smaller chips which could be placed together in a multi-chip-module
(MCM) or in a 2.5D interposer system. The chips must communicate with each
other, which poses the challenges of transmitter and channel design along with
system optimization.
This work addresses the three challenges of multi-chip system design: (i) transmitter
design for moderate speed unterminated signalling and high speed multi-Gb/s
terminated signalling, (ii) channel analysis and design for minimum area usage while
meeting the bandwidth and energy requirements of memory and high speed interfaces,
(iii) design methodologies for transmitter and channel co-design, and design
flow for optimum memory interface in multi-chip systems.
This work tackles the transmitter design challenge for multi-chip systems by offering
two types of transmitters: an unterminated low swing driver for moderate
data rates, and a high speed terminated transmitter for multi-Gb/s communication
interfaces. Both transmitters are designed in 22nm FDSOI technology and taped
out. Channel analysis is done for various width, spacing and length of interconnects
in 2.5D silicon interposer technology. The signal integrity analysis of memory and
serial interfaces (SERDES) directs the designer to choose the right width and spacing
of channel for optimum energy or area metrics. Two design methdologies are
presented in this work: first is current mode logic (CML) differential driver and interposer
co-design for minimum energy and area performance metric, second is a
design flow for optimum memory interface design by choosing the right memory and
integration technology based on given cost and bandwidth constraints. The proposed
transmitters, channel analysis and suggested methodologies can be used by industry
and research community to design energy and area efficient multi-chip interfaces.