List of abbreviations
List of Figures
List of Tables
1. Introduction
2. Aim of the study
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Materials
4. Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusion & Future perspectives
8. References
1990-1994 The primary school “Omar Makram” (Alexandria, Egypt)
1994-1997 The preparatory school “Ibn Khaldoon” (Alexandria, Egypt)
1997-2000 The secondary school “Isis” (Alexandria, Egypt)
2000-2004 Bachelor of Science in Biology, Faculty of science, Alexandria
University, Egypt
2005 Visiting the Pre-Master courses at Faculty of science, Alexandria
University, Egypt
2005-2008 Master of Science in Microbiology, Faculty of science, Alexandria
University, Egypt, with the title (Effect of some Local Probiotics on
Immunological and Biological Systems of Experimental Animals)
2008-2009 Acquisition of the academic degree M.Sc. (Microbiology).
Alexandria University, Egypt
March 2010 Acquisition of the DAAD full-PhD scholarship (GERLS)
March -June 2010 German courses at Goethe-Institute Alexandria (Alexandria, Egypt)
October2010-March 2011
German courses at Goethe-Institute (Göttingen, Germany)
Since April2011 Ph.D student, Department of Dermatology (Prof. Dr.med.Markus Böhm),
University of Münster, Münster, Germany
with the title. “ The Role of NADPH Oxidase in the Pathogenesis of
Systemic Sclerosis”.