TY - THES AB - Despite widespread support for the concept of sustainable development neither individuals, nor politics or society behave accordingly. Research has identified individual and contextual barriers as reasons for the gap between attitudes and behaviour. In this study individuals get a chance to speak in guideline based interviews in order to cooperatively compile foundations of responsible behaviour according to sustainability. Especially noticeable in a great variety of foundations is the idea of initiating a debate about norms and taboos. This debate aims at preventing individuals, politics and society from passing the buck amongst each other and shall instead induce the renegotiation of what is considered desirable. In addition, education can in multifarious ways support intrinsically motivated responsible behaviour meeting individual attitudes. AU - Nötzel, Jonas DA - 2015 KW - Geographiedidaktik, Nachhaltigkeit, Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung, Handlungsnormen, Verantwortlichkeit, qualitative Sozialforschung LA - ger PY - 2015 TI - Individuelle Einstellungen und verantwortliches Handeln im Sinne des Nachhaltigkeitsprinzips – Barrieren und Grundlagen bei Lehramtsstudierenden der Geographie UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:6-79269753147 Y2 - 2025-02-21T10:24:54 ER -