TY - JOUR AB - This paper argues that not only exclusion from but also inclusion within Christian practices served as forms of punishment for Indigenous people seen to be at odds with the moral practices and sexual codes expected on a mission station. In particular, this paper contends that the arranged marriages of Indigenous females on Moravian mission stations in the Colony of Victoria in the mid-nineteenth century was undertaken by the missionary in charge in order to control the sexuality of these women. AU - Jensz, Felicity AU - Jensz, Felicity Ann DA - 2010 KW - Sexualität KW - Australien KW - 19. Jahrhundert KW - Indigene Bevölkerung KW - Brüderunität (Herrnhuter) KW - Exzellenzcluster Religion und Politik KW - Sexuality KW - Australia KW - Nineteenth century KW - Indigenous people KW - Moravian Church KW - Cluster of Excellence Religion and Politics LA - eng N1 - Nicht zitierfähige Manuskriptfassung der Druckausgabe. Zitierfähige Druckausgabe unter: Aboriginal History, 34 (2010), ISSN (print): 0314-8769, S. 35-54 N1 - Die Veröffentlichung erfolgt mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Australian National Universtity (ANU) Press. N1 - This is a preprint Version of the Publication for study purposes only. Please cite the final version: https://press.anu.edu.au/publications/aboriginal-history-journal-volume-34 PY - 2010 TI - Controlling marriages: Friedrich Hagenauer and the betrothal of Indigenous Western Australian women in colonial Victoria UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:6-68159480802 Y2 - 2025-03-09T22:51:49 ER -