TY - JOUR AB - The art of Hebrew illuminated manuscripts from Spain is revealed in two distinct artistic languages: an aniconic, primarily ornamental idiom whose formal language is closely linked to the Islamic arts of Spain. The biblical picture cycles in the Passover Haggadot, on the other hand, use a richly narrative mode, do not refrain from figurative images, and are deeply embedded in the Gothic stylistic tradition. The paper proposes an explanation of this phenomenon within the fabric of inner-Jewish polemics and cultural change. The use of Islamic decoration patterns and the adherence to aniconic ornamentation cannot simply be explained in terms of the centuries-long presence of Islam in most parts of the peninsula. Rather, the preference for Islamic styles mirror a continuous dialogue with Islamic culture in an effort to keep alive those cultural values traditional Sephardic Jewry stood for, at a moment in history, when these values were challenged by other cultural trends. AU - Kogman-Appel, Ḳaṭrin AU - Qôǧman-Appel, Qaṭrîn AU - Ḳog'man-Apel, Katrin AU - Appel, Katrin Kogman- AU - Appel, Qaṭrîn Qôǧman- AU - Kog'man-Apel, Katrin AU - Apel, Katrin Kog'man AU - Apel, Ḳaṭrin Ḳog'man AU - Qoǧman-Appel, Qaṭrin DA - 2002 DO - 10.2307/3177268 KW - Exzellenzcluster Religion und Politik KW - Cluster of Excellence Religion and Politics LA - eng N1 - The Art Bulletin, 84 (Juni 2002) 2 , S. 246-272 N1 - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der College Art Association (caa). Die Abbildungen wurden aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen geschwärzt. PY - 2002 SN - 0004-3079 TI - Hebrew Manuscript Painting in Late Medieval Spain: Signs of a Culture in Transition UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:6-30279684483 Y2 - 2025-03-09T21:33:47 ER -