135 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Biowissenschaften; Biologie KlassifikationSchliessenFilter
zu den Filteroptionen135 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Biowissenschaften; Biologie
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- Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik
- Biowissenschaften; Biologie
- Biowissenschaften; Biologie
- Physiologie und verwandte Themen
- Biochemie
- Einzelne physiologische Systeme bei Tieren
- Einzelne Teile von und physiologische Systeme bei Pflanzen
- Genetik und Evolution
- Ökologie
- Naturgeschichte von Organismen
- Mikroorganismen, Pilze, Algen
35 Experten – 350 Antworten
biologisches Basiswissen aus der Sicht von HochschullehrernDreesmann, Anton ; Dreesmann, Anton Caspar RudolphIn: Berichte des Institutes für Didaktik der Biologie, H. Berichte des Institutes für Didaktik der Biologie, S. 63-802005e2g: an interactive web-based server for efficiently mapping large EST and cDNA sets to genomic sequences
Krüger, Jan ; Sczyrba, Alexander ; Kurtz, Stefan ; Giegerich, RobertIn: NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, Jg. 32 H. Web Server, S. W301-W3042004Early visual experience and the receptive-field organization of optic flow processing interneurons in the fly motion pathway
Karmeier, Katja ; Tabor, Rico ; Egelhaaf, Martin ; Krapp, Holger G.In: Visual neuroscience, Jg. 18 H. 1, S. 1-82001Edge detection by landing honeybees: behavioural analysis and model simulations of the underlying mechanism
Kern, Roland ; Egelhaaf, Martin ; Srinivasan, Mandyam V.In: Vision Research, Jg. 37 H. 15, S. 2103-21171997Educational simulations for brains
Horstmann, Wolfram ; Lorenz, Sören ; Egelhaaf, Martin ; Elsner, Norbert (Hrsg.) ; Zimmermann, Herbert (Hrsg.)2003The effect of differential methylation by Escherichia coli of plasmid DNA and phage T7 and [lambda] DNA on the cleavage by restriction endonuclease MboI from Moraxella bovis
Dreiseikelmann, Brigitte ; Eichenlaub, Rudolf ; Wackernagel, WilfriedIn: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis, Jg. 562 H. 3, S. 418-4281979Effect of Long-Term Farming Practices on Agricultural Soil Microbiome Members Represented by Metagenomically Assembled Genomes (MAGs) and Their Predicted Plant-Beneficial Genes
Nelkner, Johanna ; Henke, Christian ; Lin, Timo Wentong ; Pätzold, Wiebke ; Hassa, Julia ; Jaenicke, Sebastian ; Grosch, Rita ; Pühler, Alfred ; Sczyrba, Alexander ; Schlüter, AndreasIn: Genes, Jg. 10 H. 62019Effective ambiguity checking in biosequence analysis
Reeder, Janina ; Steffen, Peter ; Giegerich, RobertIn: BMC Bioinformatics, Jg. 6 H. 12005Effective charge on acetylcholinesterase active sites determined from the ionic strength dependence of association rate constants with cationic ligands
Nolte, Hans-Jürgen ; Rosenberry, Terrone L. ; Neumann, EberhardIn: Biochemistry, Jg. 19 H. 16, S. 3705-37111980Effects of an anthropogenic saltwater inlet on three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) (Teleostei: Gasterosteidae) and their parasites in an inland brook
Lugert, Vincent ; Meyer, Elisabeth Irmgard ; Scharsack, Jörn Peter ; Kurtz, Joachim22.8.2017Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza on Primary Metabolites in Phloem Exudates of Plantago major and Poa annua and on a Generalist Aphid
Stallmann, Jana ; Schweiger, RabeaIn: International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Jg. 22 H. 232021Effects of atmospheric conditions on ice nucleation activity of Pseudomonas
Attard, E. ; Yang, H. ; Delort, A. -M. ; Amato, P. ; Poeschl, U. ; Glaux, C. ; Koop, Thomas ; Morris, C. E.In: Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, Jg. 12 H. 22, S. 10667-106772012Effects of domestication on biobehavioural profiles
a comparison of domestic guinea pigs and wild cavies from early to late adolescenceZipser, Benjamin ; Schleking, Anja ; Kaiser, Sylvia ; Sachser, Norbert9.4.2014Effects of drought and mycorrhiza on wheat and aphid infestation
Pons, Caroline ; Voß, Ann-Cathrin ; Schweiger, Rabea ; Müller, CarolineIn: Ecology and Evolution, Jg. 10 H. 19, S. 10481-104912020Effects of kasugamycin on the translatome of Escherichia coli
Lange, Christian ; Lehr, Matthias ; Zerulla, Karolin ; Ludwig, Pete ; Schweitzer, Jens ; Polen, Tino ; Wendisch, Volker F. ; Soppa, JörgIn: PlosONE, Jg. 12 H. 12017Effects of multi-compared to mono-professional co-teaching on pre-service teachers attitudes, concepts, and beliefs of inclusive education
Ritter, Roswitha Margareta ; Bergische Universität WuppertalElektronische Ressource, Wuppertal, 5th July 2019Effects of two seminal fluid transcripts on post‐mating behavior in the simultaneously hermaphroditic flatworm Macrostomum lignano
Weber, Michael ; Patlar, Bahar ; Ramm, Steven A.In: Journal of Evolutionary Biology, Jg. 22 H. 52020Efficient phototrophic production of a high-value sesquiterpenoid from the eukaryotic microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Lauersen, Kyle J. ; Baier, Thomas ; Wichmann, Julian ; Wördenweber, Robin ; Mussgnug, Jan H. ; Hübner, Wolfgang ; Huser, Thomas ; Kruse, OlafIn: Metabolic Engineering, Jg. 38, S. 331-3432016