5 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Philosophie und Psychologie → Epistemologie
5 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Philosophie und Psychologie → Epistemologie
The Consistency of Probabilistic Regresses. A Reply to Jeanne Peijnenburg and David Atkinson
In: Studia Logica, Jg. 94 H. 3, S. 331-3452010The Consistency of Probabilistic Regresses. Some Implications for Epistemological Infinitism
In: Erkenntnis, Jg. 78 H. 2, S. 371-3822013The dialectics of infinitism and coherentism. Inferential justification versus holism and coherence
In: Synthese, Jg. 191 H. 4, S. 701-7232014Internal laws of probability, generalized likelihoods and Lewis' infinitesimal chances-A response to Adam Elga
In: The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Jg. 58 H. 1, S. 25-432007