940 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Physik
940 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Physik
- Alle Titel
- Klassifikation (DDC)
- Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik
- Physik
- Physik
- Klassische Mechanik; Festkörpermechanik
- Mechanik der Fluide; Mechanik der Flüssigkeiten
- Gasmechanik
- Schall und verwandte Schwingungen
- Licht, Infrarot- und Ultraviolettphänomene
- Wärme
- Elektrizität, Elektronik
- Magnetismus
- Moderne Physik
39K and 77Se NMR study of the paraelectric-to-incommensurate phase transition of K2SeO4
In: Physical Review, B, Jg. 38 H. 13, S. 8625-86321988The [beta]-function and potential at [beta]=6.0 and 6.3 in Su(3) gauge theory
In: Physics Letters, B, Jg. 163 H. 5-6, S. 367-3701985The [beta]-function of the SU(3) Wilson action
In: Physics Letters, B, Jg. 143 H. 1-3, S. 193-1981984[Chi] and J/[Psi] suppression in heavy ion collisions and a model for its momentum dependence
In: Zeitschrift für Physik, C: Particles and Fields, Jg. 37 H. 4, S. 627-6331988Absence of intrinsic electric conductivity in single dsDNA molecules
In: Journal of Biotechnology, Jg. 112 H. 1-2, S. 91-952004The acceptance probability in the hybrid Monte Carlo method
In: Physics Letters, B, Jg. 242 H. 3-4, S. 437-4431990Achieving high effective Q-factors in ultra-high vacuum dynamic force microscopy
In: Measurement Science and Technology, Jg. 21 H. 122010Adhesion of Electrospun Poly(acrylonitrile) Nanofibers on Conductive and Isolating Foil Substrates
In: Coatings, Jg. 11 H. 22021Adsorption of dodecanethiol on Cu(110): Structural ordering upon thiolate formation
In: Langmuir, Jg. 18 H. 14, S. 5558-55652002Measurement of the internal spin structure of the proton
In: AIP Conference Proceedings, Jg. 95, S. 255-2581983'All-inclusive' imaging of the rutile TiO2(110) surface using NC-AFM
In: Nanotechnology, Jg. 20 H. 50, S. 505703 ff.2009All-photoplastic, soft cantilever cassette probe for scanning force microscopy
In: Journal of vacuum science & technology, B, Jg. 18 H. 2, S. 617-6202000An apparatus for the production of circularly polarised VUV radiation
In: Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments, Jg. 10 H. 10, S. 1001-10051977An efficient low-energy electron-spin-polarization analyzer
In: Applied physics letters, Jg. 38 H. 7, S. 575-5771981An investigation of the spin structure of the proton in deep inelastic scattering of polarised muons on polarised protons
In: Nucl.Phys. B, Jg. 328 H. 1, S. 1-351989