Audiovisual communications is at the core of multimedia
systems that allow users to interact across distances. It is
common understanding that both audio and video are required
for high quality interaction. While audiovisual information provides
a user with a satisfactory impression of being present in
a remote environment, physical interaction and manipulation
is not supported. True immersion into a distant environment
and efficient distributed collaboration require the ability to
physically interact with remote objects and to literally get in
touch with other people. Touching and manipulating objects
remotely becomes possible if we augment traditional audiovisual
communications by the haptic modality. Haptic communications
is a relatively young field of research that has the potential
to substantially improve Human-Human and Human-Machine-
Interaction. In this paper we discuss the state-of-the-art in haptic
communications both from a psychophysical and technical point
of view. From a human perception point of view, we mainly focus
on the multimodal integration of audio, video and haptics and
the improved performance that can be achieved when combining
them.We also discuss how the human adapts to discrepancies and
synchronization errors between different modalities, a research
area which is typically referred to as perceptual learning. From
a technical perspective, we address perceptual coding of haptic
information and the transmission of haptic data streams over
resource-constrained and potentially lossy networks in the presence
of unpredictable and time-varying communication delays.
In this context, we also discuss the need for objective quality
metrics for haptic communication. Throughout the paper we
stress the fact that haptic communications is not meant as
a replacement of traditional audiovisual communications but
rather as an additional dimension for telepresence that will allow
us to advance in our quest for truly immersive communication.