On a Class of Infinite-Dimensional Singular Stochastic Control Problems
Federico, Salvatore ; Ferrari, Giorgio ; Riedel, Frank ; Röckner, Michael2019On an Irreversible Investment Problem with Two-Factor Uncertainty
Dammann, Felix ; Ferrari, Giorgio2021On the Optimal Boundary of a Three-Dimensional Singular Stochastic Control Problem Arising in Irreversible Investment
de Angelis, Tiziano ; Federico, Salvatore ; Ferrari, Giorgio2014Optimal Consumption with Intertemporal Substitution under Knightian Uncertainty
Ferrari, Giorgio ; Li, Hanwu ; Riedel, Frank2020Optimal Control of Debt-To-GDP Ratio in an N-State Regime Switching Economy
Ferrari, Giorgio ; Rodosthenous, Neofytos2019Optimal Dividend Payout under Stochastic Discounting
Bandini, Elena ; de Angelis, Tiziano ; Ferrari, Giorgio ; Gozzi, Fausto2020Optimal Dividends under Markov-Modulated Bankruptcy Level
Ferrari, Giorgio ; Schuhmann, Patrick ; Zhu, Shihao2021Optimal entry to an irreversible investment plan with non convex costs
de Angelis, Tiziano ; Ferrari, Giorgio ; Martyr, Randall ; Moriarty, John2016Optimal reduction of public debt under partial observation of the economic growth
Callegaro, Giorgia ; Ceci, Claudia ; Ferrari, GiorgioIn: Finance and stochastics, Jg. 24 H. 4, S. 1083-1132Optimal Reduction of Public Debt under Partial Observation of the Economic Growth
Callegaro, Giorgia ; Ceci, Claudia ; Ferrari, Giorgio2019Optimal Switch from a Fossil-Fueled to an Electric Vehicle
Falbo, Paolo ; Ferrari, Giorgio ; Rizzini, Giorgio ; Schmeck, Maren Diane2020