Enhancing Safety in Epilepsy Surgery (EASINESS): Study Protocol for a Retrospective, Multicenter, Open Registry
Drexler, Richard ; Ben-Haim, Sharona ; Bien, Christian ; Borger, Valeri ; Cardinale, Francesco ; Carpentier, Alexandre ; Cendes, Fernando ; Chandra, Sarat ; Clusmann, Hans ; Colon, Albert ; de Curtis, Marco ; Delev, Daniel ; Didato, Giuseppe ; Dührsen, Lasse ; Farah, Jibril Osman ; Guenot, Marc ; Ghatan, Saadi ; Haegelen, Claire ; Hamer, Hajo ; Hauptmann, Jason S [...]In: Frontiers in Neurology, Jg. 12Learning real-life cognitive abilities in a novel 360°-virtual reality supermarket: a neuropsychological study of healthy participants and patients with epilepsy
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Bien, Christian ; Rohleder, Cathrin ; Mueller, Juliane K ; Bien, Corinna I ; Koethe, Dagmar ; Leweke, F MarkusIn: Frontiers in psychiatry, Jg. 12Quantifying the Confidence in fMRI-Based Language Lateralisation Through Laterality Index Deconstruction
Wegrzyn, Martin ; Mertens, Markus ; Bien, Christian ; Woermann, Friedrich G. ; Labudda, KirstenIn: Frontiers in Neurology, Jg. 10Right medial temporal lobe structures particularly impact early stages of affective picture processing
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Rogalewski, Andreas ; Beyer, Anne ; Friedrich, Anja ; Plümer, Jorge ; Zuhorn, Frédéric ; Greeve, Isabell ; Klingebiel, Randolf ; Woermann, Friedrich G. ; Bien, Christian ; Schäbitz, Wolf-RüdigerIn: Frontiers in neurology, Jg. 12Transient Global Amnesia (TGA): Younger Age and Absence of Cerebral Microangiopathy Are Potentially Predisposing Factors for TGA Recurrence
Rogalewski, Andreas ; Beyer, Anne ; Friedrich, Anja ; Plümer, Jorge ; Zuhorn, Frederic ; Klingebiel, Randolf ; Woermann, Friedrich G. ; Bien, Christian ; Greeve, Isabell ; Schäbitz, Wolf-RüdigerIn: Frontiers in Neurology, Jg. 12