Brief hypnotherapeutic-behavioral intervention for functional abdominal pain and irritable bowel syndrome in childhood: A randomized controlled trial
Gulewitsch, Marco Daniel ; Müller, Judith ; Hautzinger, Martin ; Schlarb, AngelikaIn: European Journal of Pediatrics, Jg. 172 H. 8, S. 1043-1051CBT-I and HT-I group therapy for adults with insomnia in comparison to those with insomnia and comorbid depression- a pilot study
Schlarb, Angelika ; Faber, Jasmin ; Hautzinger, MartinIn: Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, Jg. 14, S. 2429-2438Did You Sleep Well, Darling?—Link between Sleep Quality and Relationship Quality
Schlarb, Angelika ; Claßen, Merle ; Schuster, E.-S. ; Neuner, Frank ; Hautzinger, MartinIn: Health, Jg. 7 H. 12, S. 1747-1756Erfahrungen und Schlußfolgerungen des Beratungssystems an einer Modelleinrichtung des Tertiären Bildungsbereichs (Oberstufen-Kolleg)
Hermsen, Hans ; Schulz, Wolfgang (Hrsg.) ; Hautzinger, Martin (Hrsg.)In: Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie: Kongressbericht Berlin 1980, Jg. vol. 4: Schizophrenie. Zwänge. Ängste. Sexual- und Partnerprobleme, S. 241-254The EVIDENT-trial: protocol and rationale of a multicenter randomized controlled trial testing the effectiveness of an online-based psychological intervention
Klein, Jan Philipp ; Berger, Thomas ; Schroeder, Johanna ; Spaeth, Christina ; Meyer, Bjoern ; Caspar, Franz ; Lutz, Wolfgang ; Greiner, Wolfgang ; Hautzinger, Martin ; Rose, Matthias ; Gräfe, Viola ; Hohagen, Fritz ; Andersson, Gerhard ; Vettorazzi, Eik ; Moritz, SteffenIn: BMC Psychiatry, Jg. 13 H. 1Health economic evaluation of a web-based intervention for depression: the EVIDENT-trial, a randomized controlled study.
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Brandhorst, Isabel ; Hautzinger, Martin ; Schlarb, AngelikaIn: Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy, Jg. 6 H. 2Telephone Support in an Internet-Based Treatment for Sleep Problems in Early Childhood
Schlarb, Angelika ; Brandhorst, Isabel ; Peters, Elisabeth ; Hautzinger, MartinIn: Journal of Psychiatry, Jg. 21 H. 1