An analysis of prosodic boundary detection in German and Austrian German read speech
Schuppler, Barbara ; Ludusan, Bogdan2020Cue interaction in the perception of prosodic prominence: the role of voice quality
Ludusan, Bogdan ; Wagner, Petra ; Włodarczak, Marcin2021Different Parts of the Same Elephant: a Roadmap to Disentangle and Connect Different Perspectives on Prosodic Prominence
Wagner, Petra ; Origlia, Antonio ; Avesani, Cinzia ; Christodoulides, Georges ; Cutugno, Francesco ; D'Imperio, Mariapaola ; Escudero Mancebo, David ; Gili Fivela, Barbara ; Lacheret, Anne ; Ludusan, Bogdan ; Moniz, Helena ; Ní Chasaide, Ailbhe ; Niebuhr, Oliver ; Rousier-Vercruyssen, Lucie ; Simon, Anne Catherine ; Simko, Juraj ; Tesser, Fabio ; Vainio, Martti2015Disentagling and Connecting Different Perspectives on Prosodic Prominence
Wagner, Petra ; Origlia, Antonio ; Avesani, Cinzia ; Christodoulides, Georges ; D'Imperio, Mariapaola ; Escudero Mancebo, David ; Lacheret, Anne ; Ludusan, Bogdan ; Moniz, Helena ; Ní Chasaide, Ailbhe ; Niebuhr, Oliver ; Rousier-Vercruyssen, Lucie ; Simon, Anne Catherine ; Simko, Juraj ; Tesser, Fabio ; Vainio, Martti2015A Distributional Analysis of Laughter Across Turns and Utterances
Ludusan, Bogdan ; Wesemann, Maik ; Wagner, Petra2020Does Infant-Directed Speech Help Phonetic Learning? A Machine Learning Investigation
Ludusan, Bogdan ; Mazuka, Reiko ; Dupoux, EmmanuelIn: Cognitive Science, Jg. 45 H. 5Does information-structural acoustic prosody change under different visibility conditions?
Wagner, Petra ; Bryhadyr, Nataliya ; Schröer, Marin ; Ludusan, Bogdan2019Knock-Knock! Who's There? The Laughter-Enhanced Virtual Real-Estate Agent
Ludusan, Bogdan ; Wagner, Petra ; Hillmann, Stefan (Hrsg.) ; Weiss, Benjamin (Hrsg.) ; Michael, Thilo (Hrsg.) ; Möller, Sebastian (Hrsg.)In: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2021. Tagungsband der 32. Konferenz., Jg. 99, S. 281-2882021Nasal Consonant Discrimination in Infant- and Adult-Directed Speech
Ludusan, Bogdan ; Jorschick, Annett ; Mazuka, Reiko2019No laughing matter. An investigation into the acoustic cues marking the use of laughter
Ludusan, Bogdan ; Wagner, Petra2019Speech, laughter and everything in between: A modulation spectrum-based analysis
Ludusan, Bogdan ; Wagner, Petra2020