34 Treffer für Personen = "Kurtz, Joachim" und Sammlung = Sammlungen der ULB Münster KlassifikationSchliessenFilter
zu den Filteroptionen34 Treffer für Personen = "Kurtz, Joachim" und Sammlung = Sammlungen der ULB Münster
Asymmetric competition among Nation States: a differential game approach
Han, Yutao ; Pieretti, Patrice ; Zanaj, Skerdilajda ; Zou, Benteng2012Cryptic male choice: sperm allocation strategies when female quality varies
Reinhold, Klaus ; Kurtz, Joachim ; Engqvist, LeifIn: Journal of Evolutionary Biology, Jg. 15 H. 2, S. 201-209Determinants of sperm transfer in the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata: male variation, female condition and copulation duration
Engqvist, Leif ; Sauer, Klaus PeterIn: Journal of Evolutionary Biology, Jg. 16 H. 6, S. 1196-1204Does size asymmetry exacerbate the inefficiency of tax competition?
Han, Yutao ; Pieretti, Patrice ; Zou, Benteng2013Dynamic Investment Strategies and Leadership in Product Innovation
Dawid, Herbert ; Keoula, Michel ; Kopel, Michael ; Kort, Peter M.2017A general description of additive and non-additive elements of sperm competitiveness and their relation to male fertilization success
Engqvist, LeifIn: Evolution, Jg. 67 H. 5, S. 1396-1405Genetic variance and genotype reaction norms in response to larval food manipulation for a trait important in scorpionfly sperm competition.
Engqvist, LeifIn: Functional Ecology, Jg. 22 H. 1, S. 070915213639001-???Governance structure, technical change, and industry competition
Guerini, Mattia ; Harting, Philipp ; Napoletano, Mauro2020Impact of low sperm competition on male reproductive trait allometries in a bush-cricket
Winkler, Lennart ; Kirch, Leon M. ; Reinhold, Klaus ; Ramm, Steven A.In: BMC Evolutionary Biology, Jg. 19 H. 1A life history perspective on strategic mating effort in male scorpionflies
Engqvist, Leif ; Sauer, Klaus PeterIn: Behavioral Ecology, Jg. 13 H. 5, S. 632-636The long run survival of small nations. A dynamic view
Pieretti, Patrice ; Zanaj, Skerdilajda ; Zou, Benteng2010Male age and its association with reproductive traits in captive and wild house sparrows.
Girndt, Antje ; Cockburn, Glenn ; Sánchez Tójar, Alfredo ; Hertel, Moritz ; Burke, Terry ; Schroeder, JuliaIn: Journal of evolutionary biology, Jg. 32 H. 12, S. 1432-1443Male attractiveness is negatively genetically associated with investment in copulations
Engqvist, LeifIn: Behavioral Ecology, Jg. 22 H. 2, S. 345-349Male scorpionflies assess the amount of rival sperm transferred by females' previous mates
Engqvist, LeifIn: Evolution, Jg. 61 H. 6, S. 1489-1494Numerical Analysis of Markov-Perfect Equilibria with Multiple Stable Steady States: A Duopoly Application with Innovative Firms
Dawid, Herbert ; Keoula, Michel Y. ; Kort, Peter M.2016Nuptial gift consumption influences female remating in a scorpionfly: male or female control of mating rate?
Engqvist, LeifIn: Evolutionary Ecology, Jg. 21 H. 1, S. 49-61On the desirability of tax coordination when countries compete in taxes and infrastructure
Han, Yutao ; Pieretti, Patrice ; Zou, Benteng2013