A Bio-Inspired Model for Visual Collision Avoidance on a Hexapod Walking Robot
Meyer, Hanno Gerd ; Bertrand, Olivier ; Paskarbeit, Jan ; Lindemann, Jens Peter ; Schneider, Axel ; Egelhaaf, Martin ; Lepora, F. Nathan (Hrsg.) ; Mura, Anna (Hrsg.) ; Mangan, Michael (Hrsg.) ; Verschure, F.M.J. Paul (Hrsg.) ; Desmulliez, Marc (Hrsg.) ; Prescott, J. Tony (Hrsg.)Depth information in natural environments derived from optic flow by insect motion detection system: a model analysis
Schwegmann, Alexander ; Lindemann, Jens Peter ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, Jg. 8, S. 83 ff.Detection of object motion by a fly neuron during simulated flight
Kimmerle, Bernd ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: Journal of comparative physiology A, Sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology, Jg. 186 H. 1, S. 21-31Early visual experience and the receptive-field organization of optic flow processing interneurons in the fly motion pathway
Karmeier, Katja ; Tabor, Rico ; Egelhaaf, Martin ; Krapp, Holger G.In: Visual neuroscience, Jg. 18 H. 1, S. 1-8A fast stimulus procedure to determine local receptive field properties of motion-sensitive visual interneurons
Krapp, Holger G. ; Hengstenberg, RolandIn: Vision research, Jg. 37 H. 2, S. 225-234FliMax, a novel stimulus device for panoramic and highspeed presentation of behaviourally generated optic flow
Lindemann, Jens Peter ; Kern, Roland ; Michaelis, C ; Meyer, P ; van Hateren, JH ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: Vision Research, Jg. 43 H. 7, S. 779-791Function and coding in the blowfly H1 neuron during naturalistic optic flow
van Hateren, JH ; Kern, Roland ; Schwerdtfeger, G ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: J Neurosci., Jg. 25 H. 17, S. 4343-4352Motion Adaptation Enhances Object-Induced Neural Activity in Three-Dimensional Virtual Environment
Liang, Pei ; Kern, Roland ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: Journal of Neuroscience, Jg. 28 H. 44, S. 11328-11332Motion as a source of environmental information: a fresh view on biological motion computation by insect brains
Egelhaaf, Martin ; Kern, Roland ; Lindemann, Jens PeterIn: Frontiers in Neural Circuits, Jg. 8, S. 127 ff.Neural encoding of behaviourally relevant visual-motion information in the fly
Egelhaaf, Martin ; Kern, Roland ; Krapp, Holger G. ; Kretzberg, Jutta ; Kurtz, Rafael ; Warzecha, Anne-KathrinIn: Trends in Neurosciences, Jg. 25 H. 2, S. 96-102Neural processing of naturalistic optic flow
Kern, Roland ; Petereit, Christian ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: The Journal of Neuroscience, Jg. 21 H. 8, S. 1-5Neuronal representation of optic flow experienced by unilaterally blinded flies on their mean walking trajectories
Kern, Roland ; Lutterklas, M ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY A-SENSORY NEURAL AND BEHAVIORAL PHYSIOLOGY, Jg. 186 H. 5, S. 467-479Object detection in the fly during simulated translatory flight
Kimmerle, Bernd ; Warzecha, Anne-Kathrin ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: Journal of comparative physiology, A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology, Jg. 181 H. 3, S. 247-255Object fixation by the blowfly during tethered flight in a simulated three-dimensional environment
Kimmerle, Bernd ; Eickermann, Judith ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: The journal of experimental biology, Jg. 203 H. 11, S. 1723-1732Octopaminergic modulation of a fly visual motion-sensitive neuron during stimulation with naturalistic optic flow
Rien, Diana ; Kern, Roland ; Kurtz, RafaelIn: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, Jg. 7, S. 155 ff.On the computations analyzing natural optic flow: Quantitative model analysis of the blowfly motion vision pathway
Lindemann, Jens Peter ; Kern, Roland ; van Hateren, JH ; Ritter, Helge ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: J Neurosci., Jg. 25 H. 27, S. 6435-6448Optomotor course control in flies with largely asymmetric visual input
Kern, Roland ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: Journal of Comparative Physiology A, Jg. 186 H. 1, S. 45-55Performance of fly visual interneurons during object fixation
Kimmerle, Bernd ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: The journal of neuroscience, Jg. 20 H. 16, S. 6256-6266Peripheral Processing Facilitates Optic Flow-Based Depth Perception
Li, Jinglin ; Lindemann, Jens Peter ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, Jg. 10 H. 10Photo-ablation of single neurons in the fly visual system reveals neural circuit for the detection of small moving objects
Warzecha, Anne-Kathrin ; Borst, Alexander ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: Neuroscience Letters, Jg. 141 H. 1, S. 119-122