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Collaborative Research Centre "Situated Artificial Communicators" at the University of Bielefeld, Germany
Rickheit, Gert ; Wachsmuth, IpkeIn: Artificial Intelligence Review, Jg. 10 H. 3-4, S. 165-170Derivational Minimalism in Two Regular and Logical Steps
Michaelis, Jens ; Mönnich, Uwe ; Morawietz, Frank2000Event-related potentials elicited by spoken relative clauses
Müller, Horst M. ; King, J.W. ; Kutas, M.In: Cognitive Brain Research, Jg. 5, S. 193-203Nachwort: Biographie [Friedrich von Logau]
Seelbach, Ulrich ; Seelbach, Ulrich (Hrsg.)In: Reimensprüche und andere Werke in Einzeldrucken / Friedrich von Logau, Jg. 2, S. 3*-32*Die newe Zeitungen auß der gantzen Welt - der Anhang des Lalebuchs und die Logik der Lügendichtung
Seelbach, UlrichIn: Eulenspiegel-Jahrbuch, Jg. 39, S. 95-111A point-based event phonology for the phonetics-phonology interface
Wagner, Petra ; Kühnlein, Peter1998Synthesis by Word Concatenation
Stöber, Karlheinz ; Portele, Thomas ; Wagner, Petra ; Hess, WolfgangIn: Proceedings of Interspeech 1999, Jg. 2, S. 619-6221999Mutual Constraints of the Phonetics-Phonology Interface
Wagner, PetraIn: Proceedings of Konvens 1998, Jg. 1, S. 207-2121998Evaluating Metrical Phonology – A Computational-Empirical Approach
Wagner, PetraIn: Proceedings of Konvens 2000 –- Sprachkommunikation, Jg. 161, S. 243-2482000The synthesis of German contrastive focus
Wagner, PetraIn: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of the Phonetic Sciences, Jg. 21999Theta Synchronisation Predicts Efficient Memory Encoding of Concrete and Abstract Nouns
Weiss, Sabine ; Müller, Horst M. ; Rappelsberger, PeterIn: NeuroReport, Jg. 11, S. 2357-2361