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zu den Filteroptionen75 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Sprache → Linguistik → Linguistik
Are Pitch Contour and Quantity Independent Distinctive Features in Bosnian Serbian?
Wagner, Petra ; Mandic, Jelena2005Assessing a speaker for fast speech in unit selection speech synthesis
Moers, Donata ; Wagner, Petra2009Assessing the adequate treatment of fast speech in unit selection systems for the visually impaired
Moers, Donata ; Wagner, Petra2007Automatic Prominence Annotation of a German Speech Synthesis Corpus: Towards Prominence-Based Prosody Generation for Unit Selection Synthesis
Windmann, Andreas ; Wagner, Petra ; Tamburini, Fabio ; Arnold, Denis ; Oertel, Catherine2010Automatische Prominenzetikettierung einer Datenbank für die korpusbasierte Sprachsynthese
Wagner, Petra ; Breuer, Stefan ; Stöber, Karlheinz2001BonnTempo-Corpus & BonnTempo-Tools: A database for the study of speech rhythm and rate.
Dellwo, Volker ; Steiner, Ingmar ; Aschenberner, Bianca ; Dankovicova, Jana ; Wagner, Petra2004Contextual versus inherent properties of entities in space
Skopeteas, Stavros ; Hörnig, Robin ; Weskott, ThomasIn: Linguistische Berichte, Jg. 216, S. 431-456Contrastive Topics in Pairing Answers: A Cross-Linguistic Production Study
Skopeteas, Stavros ; Féry, Caroline ; Featherston, Sam (Hrsg.) ; Sternefeld, Wolfgang (Hrsg.)The contribution of EEG coherence to the investigation of language
Weiss, Sabine ; Müller, Horst M.In: Brain and Language, Jg. 85 H. 2, S. 325-343Coordination in dialog: Alignment of object naming in the Jigsaw Map Game
Weiß, Petra ; Pfeiffer, Thies ; Schaffranietz, Gesche ; Rickheit, Gert ; Zimmer, Hubert D. (Hrsg.) ; Frings, C. (Hrsg.) ; Mecklinger, Axel (Hrsg.) ; Opitz, B. (Hrsg.) ; Pospeschill, M. (Hrsg.) ; Wentura, D. (Hrsg.)2008Crash-Proof Syntax and Filters
Broekhuis, Hans ; Vogel, Ralf ; Putnam, Michael T. (Hrsg.)In: Exploring Crash-Proof Grammars, Jg. 3, S. 245-267Creating ontologies for content representation - the OntoSeed suite
Bontas Simperl, Elena Paslaru ; Schlangen, David ; Spaccapietra, Stefano (Hrsg.)Cross-linguistic comparison of prosody, syntax and information structure in a production experiment on localising expressions
Féry, Caroline ; Skopeteas, Stavros ; Hörnig, RobinIn: Transactions of the Philological Society, Jg. 108 H. 3, S. 329-351D64: A corpus of richly recorded conversational interaction
Oertel, Catharine ; Cummins, Fred ; Campbell, Nick ; Edlund, Jens ; Wagner, Petra2010The discourse function of inverse voice: An experimental study in Teribe (Chibchan)
Quesada, J. Diego ; Skopeteas, StavrosIn: Journal of Pragmatics, Jg. 42 H. 9, S. 2579-2600Distinctness effects on VOS order: Evidence from Yucatec Maya
Skopeteas, Stavros ; Verhoeven, ElisabethIn: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, Jg. 59 H. New Perspectives in Mayan Linguistics, S. 135-152Doing It Again and Again May Be Difficult, But It Depends on What You Are Doing
Bott, Oliver ; Abner, Natasha (Hrsg.) ; Bishop, Jason (Hrsg.)2008