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Editing Medical Data Records with a Natural Language Interface
Power, Richard ; Pietsch, Christian2007The effect of priming on the correlations between prominence ratings and acoustic features
Arnold, Denis ; Wagner, Petra ; Möbius, Bernd2010Effects of givenness and constraints on free word order
Skopeteas, Stavros ; Fanselow, Gisbert ; Zimmermann, Malte (Hrsg.) ; Féry, Caroline (Hrsg.)Embodied communication in humans and machines - A research agenda
Wachsmuth, Ipke ; Knoblich, GüntherIn: Artificial Intelligence Review, Jg. 24 H. 3-4, S. 517-522Encoding spatial relations: Language typology and diachronic change in Greek
Skopeteas, StavrosIn: Language Typology and Universals, Jg. 61 H. 1, S. 54-66Entailed feedback: evidence from a ranking experiment
Wlodarczak, Marcin ; Bunt, Harry ; Petukhova, Volha ; Łupkowski, Paweł (Hrsg.) ; Purver, Matthew (Hrsg.)2010Evaluation eines Sprechers für schnell gesprochene Sprache in der Unit-Selection basierten Sprachsynthese
Moers, Donata ; Wagner, Petra2008Explaining Speech Gesture Alignment in MM Dialogue Using Gesture Typology
Hahn, Florian ; Rieser, Hannes2010