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zu den Filteroptionen148 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Physik
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- Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik
- Physik
- Physik
- Klassische Mechanik; Festkörpermechanik
- Mechanik der Fluide; Mechanik der Flüssigkeiten
- Gasmechanik
- Schall und verwandte Schwingungen
- Licht, Infrarot- und Ultraviolettphänomene
- Wärme
- Elektrizität, Elektronik
- Magnetismus
- Moderne Physik
All-photoplastic, soft cantilever cassette probe for scanning force microscopy
Genolet, Grégoire ; Despont, Michel ; Vettiger, Peter ; Anselmetti, Dario ; Rooij, Nico F. deIn: Journal of vacuum science & technology, B, Jg. 18 H. 2, S. 617-620An optically pumped, highly polarized cesium beam for the study of spin-dependent electron scattering
Baum, Günter ; Granitza, B. ; Hesse, S. ; Leuer, B. ; Raith, Wilhelm ; Rott, Karsten ; Tondera, M. ; Witthuhn, B.In: Z.Phys. D, Jg. 22 H. 1, S. 431-436The analysis of Polyakov loop and spin correlators in finite volumes
Engels, Jürgen ; Mitrjushkin, V. K. ; Neuhaus, ThomasIn: Nuclear Physics, B: Proceedings Supplements, Jg. 34, S. 298-300Analytic continuation of thermal N-point functions from imaginary to real energies
Baier, Rudolf ; Niegawa, A.In: Physical review D: Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, Jg. 49 H. 8, S. 4107-4112Angle and spin resolved Auger and photoelectron spectroscopy on Rb-layers by means of circularly polarized VUV radiation
Stoppmanns, P. ; David, R. ; Müller, Norbert ; Heinzmann, UlrichIn: Zeitschrift für Physik D: Atoms, Molecules and Clusters, Jg. 30 H. 2-3, S. 251-253Angle- and spin-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy in rotationally resolved photoionization of HI
Mank, A. ; Drescher, Markus ; Brockhinke, Andreas ; Böwering, N. ; Heinzmann, UlrichIn: Zeitschrift für Physik D: Atoms, Molecules and Clusters, Jg. 29 H. 4, S. 275-289Angle-resolved measurements of the photoelectron spin polarization in the photoionization of HI molecules
Böwering, N. ; Müller, M. ; Salzmann, M. ; Heinzmann, UlrichIn: Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Jg. 24 H. 22, S. 4793-4801Antigen binding forces of individually addressed single-chain Fv antibody molecules
Ros, Robert ; Schwesinger, Falk ; Anselmetti, Dario ; Kubon, Martina ; Schäfer, Rolf ; Plückthun, Andreas ; Tiefenauer, LouisIn: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Jg. 95 H. 13, S. 7402-7405Atomic-scale chemistry: Desorption of ammonia from Cu(111) induced by tunneling electrons
Bartels, Ludwig ; Wolf, M. ; Klamroth, T. ; Saalfrank, P. ; Kühnle, Angelika ; Meyer, G. ; Rieder, K.-H.In: Chemical Physics Letters, Jg. 313 H. 3-4, S. 544-552Au-induced surface state on Pt(111) revealed by spin-resolved photoemission with linearly polarized light
Stoppmanns, P. ; Heidemann, B. ; Irmer, N. ; Müller, Norbert ; Vogt, B. ; Schmiedeskamp, B. ; Heinzmann, Ulrich ; Tamura, E. ; Feder, RolandIn: Physical Review Letters, Jg. 66 H. 20, S. 2645-2648Au/Si(111) and the formation of silicides at the interface examined by spin-resolved photoemission
Vogt, B. ; Stoppmanns, P. ; Schmiedeskamp, B. ; Heinzmann, UlrichIn: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, Jg. 52 H. 5, S. 323-327Binding strength between cell adhesion proteoglycans measured by atomic force microscopy
Dammer, Ulrich ; Popescu, Octavian ; Wagner, Peter ; Anselmetti, Dario ; Güntherodt, Hans-Joachim ; Misevic, Gradimir N.In: Science, Jg. 267 H. 5201, S. 1173-1175Chern-Simons term in the 4-dimensional SU(2) Higgs model
Karsch, Frithjof ; Laursen, M. L. ; Neuhaus, Thomas ; Plache, B.In: Nuclear Physics, B: Proceedings Supplements, Jg. 30, S. 715-718Chiral behaviour and screening masses close to the chiral phase transition
Laermann, Edwin ; Boyd, G. ; Gupta, Sourendu ; Karsch, Frithjof ; Petersson, Bengt ; Redlich, K.In: Nuclear Physics, B: Proceedings Supplements, Jg. 34, S. 292-294Chiral symmetry and dileptons in heavy ion collisions
Karsch, Frithjof ; Redlich, K. ; Turko, L.In: Zeitschrift für Physik, C: Particles and Fields, Jg. 60 H. 3, S. 519-525A circular polarizer for the region of windowless VUV radiation
Döhring, T. ; Schönhense, G. ; Heinzmann, UlrichIn: Measurement Science and Technology, Jg. 3 H. 1, S. 91-97Circularly polarized undulator radiation from the new double crossed undulator beamline at BESSY and its first use for spin resolved Auger electron emission spectroscopy
David, R. ; Stoppmanns, P. ; Yu, S.-W. ; Kuntze, R. ; Müller, Norbert ; Heinzmann, UlrichIn: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Jg. 343 H. 2-3, S. 650-654Collision of oriented NO with Ni(100) and with oriented CO on Ni(100)
Müller, H. ; Dierks, B. ; Hamza, F. ; Zagatta, Gunther ; Fecher, G. H. ; Böwering, N. ; Heinzmann, UlrichIn: Surface Science, Jg. 269-270, S. 207-212Combined analysis of world data on nucleon spin structure functions
Adeva, B. ; Ahmad, S. ; Arvidson, A. ; Badelek, B. ; Ballintijn, M. K. ; Bardin, G. ; Baum, Günter ; Berglund, P. ; Betev, L. ; Bird, I.G. ; Birsa, R. ; Björkholm, P. ; Bonner, B. E. ; Botton, N. de ; Boutemeur, M. ; Bradamante, F. ; Bressan, A. ; Brüll, A. ; Buchanan, J. ; Bültmann, S. [...]In: Phys.Lett. B, Jg. 320 H. 3-4, S. 400-406Comparison of forward hadrons produced in muon interactions on nuclear targets and deuterium
Ashman, J. ; Badelek, B. ; Baum, Günter ; Beaufays, J. ; Bee, C. P. ; Benchouk, C. ; Bird, I.G. ; Brown, S. C. ; Caputo, M. C. ; Cheung, H. W. K. ; Chima, J. ; Ciborowski, J. ; Clifft, R. W. ; Coignet, G. ; Combley, F. ; Court, G. ; Agostini, G. d ; Drees, J. ; Düren, M. ; Dyce, N. [...]In: Z.Phys. C, Jg. 52 H. 1, S. 1-11