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zu den Filteroptionen101 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Biowissenschaften; Biologie → Biowissenschaften; Biologie
Are there separate ON and OFF channels in fly motion vision?
Egelhaaf, Martin ; Borst, AlexanderIn: Visual Neuroscience, Jg. 8, S. 151-164Arrangement of optical axes and spatial resolution in the compound eye of the female blowfly *Calliphora*
Petrowitz, Ralf ; Dahmen, Hansjürgen ; Egelhaaf, Martin ; Krapp, Holger G.In: Journal of comparative physiology, A: Sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology, Jg. 186 H. 7-8, S. 737-746Calcium accumulation in visual interneurons of the fly: stimulus dependence and relationship to membrane potential
Egelhaaf, Martin ; Borst, AlexanderIn: Journal of neurophysiology, Jg. 73 H. 6, S. 2540-2552Coactivation of leg reflexes in the stick insect
Cruse, Holk ; Dautenhahn, Kerstin ; Schreiner, H.In: Biological cybernetics, Jg. 67 H. 4, S. 369-375Computer simulations of path generation and path form modification with rules working on a parallel cell-based architecture
Dautenhahn, Kerstin ; Cruse, HolkIn: Computers Math. Applic., Jg. 28 H. 5, S. 75-88Contig selection in physical mapping
Heber, Steffen ; Stoye, Jens ; Frohme, Marcus ; Hoheisel, Jörg ; Vingron, MartinIn: Journal of Computational Biology, Jg. 7 H. 3-4, S. 395-408The contralateral coordination of walking in the crayfish Astacus leptodactylus. II. Model calculations
Müller, Uwe ; Cruse, HolkIn: Biol. Cybern., Jg. 64 H. 5, S. 437-446The contralateral coordination of walking legs in the crayfish Astacus leptodactylus. I. Experimental results
Müller, Uwe ; Cruse, HolkIn: Biol. Cybern., Jg. 64 H. 5, S. 429-436Control of body height in a stick insect walking on a treadwheel
Cruse, Holk ; Schmitz, Josef ; Braun, U. ; Schweins, A.In: The Journal of Experimental Biology, Jg. 181 H. 1, S. 141-155Control of three- and four joint arm movement: strategies for a manipulator with redundant degrees of freedom
Cruse, Holk ; Brüwer, Michael ; Dean, JeffreyIn: Journal of motor behavior, Jg. 25 H. 3, S. 131-139Coordination of leg movement in walking animals
Cruse, Holk ; Meyer, Jean-Arcady (Hrsg.)In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, Jg. [1], S. 105-119Coordination of the legs of a slow-walking cat
Cruse, Holk ; Warnecke, H.In: Experimental Brain Research, Jg. 89 H. 1, S. 147-156Damped oscillations in photosensory transduction of Halobacterium salinarium induced by repellent light stimuli
Krohs, UlrichIn: Journal of bacteriology, Jg. 177 H. 11, S. 3067-3070Dendritic calcium accumulation associated with direction-selective adaptation in visual motion-sensitive neurons in vivo
Kurtz, Rafael ; Dürr, Volker ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: Journal of Neurophysiology, Jg. 84 H. 4, S. 1914-1923Dendritic integration of motion information in visual interneurons of the blowfly
Haag, Jürgen ; Egelhaaf, Martin ; Borst, AlexanderIn: Neuroscience Letters, Jg. 140 H. 2, S. 173-176Dendritic processing of synaptic information by sensory interneurons
Borst, Alexander ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: Trends in Neurosciences, Jg. 17 H. 6, S. 257-263Dendritic structure and receptive-field organization of optic flow processing interneurons in the fly
Krapp, Holger G. ; Hengstenberg, Bärbel ; Hengstenberg, RolandIn: Journal of neurophysiology, Jg. 79 H. 4, S. 1902-1917Detecting visual motion: theory and models
Borst, Alexander ; Egelhaaf, Martin ; Miles, Frederick Albert (Hrsg.)Detection of object motion by a fly neuron during simulated flight
Kimmerle, Bernd ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: Journal of comparative physiology A, Sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology, Jg. 186 H. 1, S. 21-31