Waldecker, David; Englert, Kathrin; Ludwig-Mayerhofer, Wolfgang; Schmidtke, Oliver; Reißmann, Wolfgang; Holdermann, Simon; Eisenmann, Clemens; Peter, Jan; Wittbusch, Erik; Mohn, Bina E.; Hare, Pip; Vogelpohl, Astrid; Wiesemann, Jutta; Gießmann, Sebastian: Media ethnography(2019). 2019
- Media Ethnography and Participation in Online Practices / David Waldecker, Kathrin Englert, Wolfgang Ludwig-Mayerhofer, Oliver Schmidtke
- The Story is Everywhere. Dispersed Situations in a Literary Role Play Game / Wolfgang Reißmann
- Co-operation and/as Participant Observation: Reflections on Ethnographic Fieldwork in Morocco / Simon Holdermann
- Ethnomethodological Media Ethnography: Exploring Everyday Digital Practices in Families with Young Children / Clemens Eisenmann, Jan Peter, Erik Wittbusch
- Cooperation and Difference. Camera Ethnography in the Research Project ‘Early Childhood and Smartphone’ / Bina E. Mohn, Pip Hare, Astrid Vogelpohl, Jutta Wiesemann