Waldecker, David; Englert, Kathrin; Ludwig-Mayerhofer, Wolfgang; Schmidtke, Oliver; Reißmann, Wolfgang; Holdermann, Simon; Eisenmann, Clemens; Peter, Jan; Wittbusch, Erik; Mohn, Bina E.; Hare, Pip; Vogelpohl, Astrid; Wiesemann, Jutta; Gießmann, Sebastian: Media ethnography(2019). 2019
Thematic Focus: Media EthnographyThe Story is Everywhere. Dispersed Situations in a Literary Role Play Game / Wolfgang Reißmann
Thematic Focus: Media EthnographyThe Story is Everywhere. Dispersed Situations in a Literary Role Play Game / Wolfgang Reißmann
- Abstract
- 1. Mediated Presence and Digital Ethnography
- 2. Dispersed Situations as a ‘Default Mode’
- 3. Digital Team Ethnography in the Context of Transformative Literary Fan Works
- 4. Seeing with Wraiths’ Eyes: A Literary Role Play Game on Stargate Atlantis
- 5. Connecting Fragments in “The Chatzy View”
- 6. Conclusion
- Notes
- References