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Salaschek, Martin: Mathematics progress monitoring in the primary grades : construction and validation of progress monitoring test concepts in grade 1 and 2. 17.3.2014
Part I - Introduction and Discussion
1. Introduction
1.1 The demand for mathematics progress monitoring in primary school
1.2.2 Progress monitoring in mathematics: Curriculum-based measurement
1.2.3 Curriculum-based measurement in early mathematics education
1.2.4 Mathematics progress monitoring applications in Germany
1.2.5 Implications for progress monitoring in general education
1.3 Aims of the dissertation
2. Test concepts and summary of findings
2.1 Test concept creation
2.2 Manuscript 1: Mathematics progress monitoring in first grade
2.3 Manuscript 2: Growth trajectories in first grade
2.4 Manuscript 3: Mathematics progress monitoring in second grade
3. Discussion
3.1 Psychometric validation of the test concepts
3.1.1 Parallelism
3.1.2 Sensitivity to student learning
3.1.3 The role of precursors
3.1.4 Dimensionality of the test concepts
3.2 The role of different competences in the development of growth trajectories
4. Conclusions
5. References
Part II - Manuscript 1: Web-based progress monitoring in first grade mathematics
Web-based progress monitoring in first grade mathematics
1. Introduction
1.1 Early numeracy and later mathematical achievement
1.2 Progress monitoring in early mathematics
1.3 Aims of the study
2. Method
2.1 Participants and setting
2.2 Progress monitoring measures
2.3 Criterion measures
2.4 Usability and practicality
3. Results study 1
3.1 Internal reliability
3.2 Concurrent and predictive validity
3.3 Usability and practicality
4. Results study 2
4.1 Alternate-form reliability
4.2 Sensitivity to learning
5. Discussion
5.1 Limitations
5.2 Implications for research and practice
6. References
Part III - Manuscript 2: Mathematics growth trajectories in first grade: Cumulative vs. compensatory patterns and the role of number sense
1. Introduction
1.1 Early Mathematics Skills
1.2 Growth Trajectories in Mathematics
1.3 Aims of the study
2. Method
2.1 Participants and procedure
2.2 Measures of mathematical performance
3. Results
3.1 Latent growth models
3.2 Latent Class growth analysis
3.3 Stability of trajectory group membership across competences
4. Discussion
4.1 Trajectory groups for overall mathematics achievement
4.2 Trajectory groups for separate competences
4.3 Stability of trajectory group classifications
4.4 Implications for research and practice
4.5 Limitations
4.6 Conclusions
5. References
Part IV - Manuscript 3: Web-based mathematics progress monitoring in second grade
1. Introduction
1.1 Progress monitoring in elementary school mathematics
1.2 Purpose of the study
2. Method
2.1 Participants and setting
2.2 Measures and procedure
3. Results
3.1 Reliability
3.2 Sensitivity to learning
3.3 Criterion validity
3.4 Progress monitoring feasibility and usage
4. Discussion
4.1 Limitations
4.2 Implications for research and practice
5. References
Part V - Appendices
Curriculum Vitae
Publications, conference presentations & reports