In this paper I clarify and scrutinize some of the implications of a state-centric bias in political philosophy. Based on Serena Parekh’s analysis of “the ethics of admission” (2014, 2017), the main example of this bias I will present is how political philosophers have addressed the question of what justice requires of states in relation to refugees. I begin by clarifying the central features of the state-centric bias in political philosophy and how it is given concrete expression in the ethics of migration as an emphasis on obligations of hosting states to admit immigrants. Further, I present one central implications of the ethics of admission that seem morally unacceptable: the cherry-picking of problems. This is a shortened version of a paper in progress.
- Titel‘What Justice Requires’ – a State-Centric Bias in the Ethics of Migration
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- Enthalten inProceedings of the 2018 ZiF Workshop “Studying Migration Policies at the Interface between Empirical Research and Normative Analysis”, H. Proceedings of the 2018 ZiF Workshop “Studying Migration Policies at the Interface between Empirical Research and Normative Analysis”, S. 8-
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- SpracheEnglisch
- Bibl. ReferenzMatthias Hoesch/Lena Laube (eds.): Proceedings of the 2018 ZiF Workshop “Studying Migration Policies at the Interface between Empirical Research and Normative Analysis”, 125-137. DOI: 10.17879/85189704253
- DokumenttypAufsatz in einer Zeitschrift
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