152 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Mathematik
152 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Mathematik
Obstructions to lifting cocycles on groupoids and the associated C*-algebras
In: Münster Journal of Mathematics, H. Münster Journal of Mathematics, S. 409-4242017Ocneanu cells and Boltzmann weights for the SU(3) ADE graphs
In: Münster Journal of Mathematics, H. Münster Journal of Mathematics, S. 95-1422009On 3-dimensional foliated dynamical systems and Hilbert type reciprocity law
In: Münster Journal of Mathematics, H. Münster Journal of Mathematics, S. 323-3482021On a generalized matching problem arising in estimating the eigenvalue variation of two matrices
In: European Journal of Combinatorics, Jg. 4, S. 133-1361983On accurate computations of the Perron root
In: SIAM Journal on matrix analysis and applications, Jg. 14 H. 2, S. 456-4671993On an index theorem of Chang, Weinberger and Yu
In: Münster Journal of Mathematics, H. Münster Journal of Mathematics, S. 123-1542021On Atiyah-Segal completion for Hermitian K-theory
Wuppertal, September 2021On Cherny's results in infinite dimensions: a theorem dual to Yamada-Watanabe
In: Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations, Jg. 9, S. 33-702021On communication complexity of vector-valued functions
In: IEEE transactions on information theory, Jg. 40 H. 6, S. 2062-20671994On convergence of approximate solutions to the compressible Euler system
In: Annals of PDE, Jg. 62020On convex hulls of orbits of Coxeter groups and Weyl groups
In: Münster Journal of Mathematics, H. Münster Journal of Mathematics, S. 463-4872014On convexity properties of the spectral radius of nonnegative matrices
In: Linear algebra and its applications, Jg. 61 H. Sept, S. 31-351984