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- Philosophie und Psychologie
- Psychologie
- Psychologie
- Sinneswahrnehmung, Bewegung, Emotionen, Triebe
- Kognitive Prozesse, Intelligenz
- Unterbewusste und bewusstseinsveränderte Zustände
- Differentielle Psychologie, Entwicklungspsychologie
- Vergleichende Psychologie
- Angewandte Psychologie
Pädagogische Perspektiven zwischen Familienplanung und Säuglingserziehung
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Sriskandarajah, Vathsalan ; Neuner, Frank ; Catani, ClaudiaIn: BMC Psychiatry, Jg. 15 H. 12015Parents’ Perceived Similarity to Their Children, and Parents’ Perspective Taking Efforts: Associations of Cross-Informant Discrepancies with Adolescent Problem Behavior
Vierhaus, Marc ; Rueth, Jana-Elisa ; Lohaus, ArnoldIn: Frontiers in Psychology, Jg. 72016Participation in social network sites: Associations with the quality of offline and online friendships in German preadolescents and adolescents
Glüer, Michael ; Lohaus, ArnoldIn: Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, Jg. 10 H. 22016Participation of People With Disabilities in Web-Based Research
Vereenooghe, LeenIn: Zeitschrift für Psychologie, Jg. 229 H. 4, S. 257-2592021"Passive victim – strong survivor"? Perceived meaning of labels applied to women who were raped
Papendick, Michael ; Bohner, GerdIn: PLOS ONE, Jg. 12 H. 52017The path is the goal: How transformational leaders enhance followers’ job attitudes and proactive behavior
Steinmann, Barbara ; Klug, Hannah J. ; Maier, Günter W.In: Frontiers in Psychology, Jg. 92018Patterns of conflict-related trauma exposure and their relation to psychopathology: A person-centered analysis in a population-based sample from eastern DRC
Dumke, Lars ; van der Haer, Roos ; Koos, Carlo ; Hecker, TobiasIn: SSM - Mental Health, Jg. 12021Perception of artificial agents and utterance friendliness in dialogue
Griffiths, Sascha ; Eyssel, Friederike Anne ; Philippsen, Anja ; Pietsch, Christian ; Wachsmuth, Sven2015Perceptual drifts of real and artificial limbs in the rubber hand illusion
Fuchs, Xaver ; Riemer, Martin ; Diers, Martin ; Flor, Herta ; Trojan, JörgIn: Scientific Reports, Jg. 6 H. 12016Perceptual-cognitive changes during motor learning: The influence of mental and physical practice on mental representation, gaze behavior, and performance of a complex action
Frank, Cornelia ; Land, William Marshall ; Schack, ThomasIn: Frontiers in Psychology, Jg. 62016Performance deficits following failure : learned helplessness or self-esteem protection?
Witkowski, Tomasz ; Stiensmeier-Pelster, Joachim1996Personality and attitudes towards current political topics
Riemann, Rainer ; Grubich, Claudia ; Hempel, Susanne ; Mergl, Susanne ; Richter, ManfredIn: Personality and Individual Differences, Jg. 15 H. 3, S. 313-3211993Personality psychology: trends and developments
Angleitner, AloisIn: European journal of personality, Jg. 5 H. 3, S. 185-1971991Persönliche Anliegen in Alltagssituationen
Brunstein, J. C. ; Ganserer, J. ; Maier, Günter W. ; Heckhausen, H.1991Persönlichkeit und Freizeitverhalten: Ergebnisse und Folgerungen
Angleitner, Alois ; Schmitz-Scherzer, Reinhard (Hrsg.)1977