708 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Chemie → Chemie und zugeordnete Wissenschaften
708 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Chemie → Chemie und zugeordnete Wissenschaften
1,4-Disubstituted 1H-1,2,3-Triazole Containing Peptidotriazolamers: A New Class of Peptidomimetics With Interesting Foldamer Properties
In: Frontiers in Chemistry, Jg. 7201910,11-Dimethylen[3.2]paracyclophan: ein Cyclophanobutadien als Synthesebaustein für Benzo-verbrückte [3.2]Paracyclophane
In: Chemische Berichte, Jg. 122 H. 12, S. 2299-2302198913 C labelling study of the interconversion of ethylbenzene, 7-methylcycloheptatriene and p-xylene ions
In: Organic Mass Spectrometry, Jg. 17 H. 8, S. 353-3591982[3.2]Paracyclophane-10-enes and []Paracyclophane-10,27-dienes: a convenient synthesis by the McMurry reaction and dynamic stereochemistry
In: Chemische Berichte, Jg. 122 H. 12, S. 2291-22971989[3]Ferrocenophanes with a tetramethyldisiloxane bridge: synthesis and molecular structure
In: Monatshefte für Chemie, Jg. 125 H. 5, S. 579-5861994[Arene Me3C+] non-covalent complexes in the gas-phase (trifluoro)methylation of tert-butyl-substituted diphenylalkanes
In: International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes, Jg. 148 H. 3, S. 215-2281995[O 9,24] [] metacyclophane-9-ene, a “twin cyclophane”, and its dehydrogenation products - synthesis structure determination and 1 H-NMR-spectroscopy
In: Tetrahedron Letters, Jg. 26 H. 20, S. 2431-24341985[Tris(trimethylsilyl)methyl]- and (2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenyl)(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)germylene: synthesis and structure
In: Organometallics, Jg. 10 H. 11, S. 3838-38421991Absolute concentration measurements of OH in low-pressure hydrogen-oxygen, methane-oxygen, and acetylene-oxygen flames
In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE, Jg. 21 H. 1, S. 1719-17271986Accounting for Cooperativity in the Thermotropic Volume Phase Transition of Smart Microgels
In: Gels, Jg. 7 H. 22021Acrylamide precipitation polymerization in a continuous flow reactor: an in situ FTIR study reveals kinetics
In: Colloid and Polymer Science, Jg. 229 H. 2, S. 221-2322021The activation energy of the skeletal isomerization in the radical cations of toluene and cycloheptatriene by mass spectrometry of their 2-phenylethyl derivatives
In: Organic Mass Spectrometry, Jg. 14 H. 2, S. 86-971979Activation of recombinantly expressed l-Amino Acid Oxidase from Rhizoctonia solani by Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate
In: Molecules, Jg. 22 H. 122017Aescin-Cholesterol Complexes in DMPC Model Membranes: A DSC and Temperature-Dependent Scattering Study
In: Scientific Reports, Jg. 9 H. 12019Aldoxime Dehydratase Mutants as Improved Biocatalysts for a Sustainable Synthesis of Biorenewables-Based 2-Furonitrile
In: Catalysts, Jg. 10 H. 42020alpha-Trifluormethyl-substituierte alpha-Hydroxysäuren mit Alkinfunktionen in der Seitenkette
In: Z. Naturforsch. B: Chem. Sci., Jg. 45 H. 6, S. 871-8751990