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zu den Filteroptionen218 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Tiere (Zoologie) → Tiere (Zoologie)
The ability to get everywhere: dispersal modes of free-living, aquatic nematodes
Ptatscheck, Christoph ; Traunspurger, WalterIn: Hydrobiologia, Jg. 847, S. 3519-35472020Activity-dependent plasticity in visual forebrain areas of the zebra finch
Rollenhagen, Astrid ; Bischof, Hans-JoachimIn: Behavioural Brain Research, Jg. 81 H. 1-2, S. 207-2131996Added value of the NemaSPEAR[%]-index to routinely used macrofauna-based indices for assessing the quality of freshwater sediments
Brüchner-Hüttemann, Henrike ; Höss, Sebastian ; Ptatscheck, Christoph ; Brinke, Marvin ; Schenk, Janina ; Traunspurger, WalterIn: Ecological Indicators, Jg. 1212021Afferent connections of the ectostriatum and visual wulst in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata castanotis Gould) — an HRP study
Nixdorf, Barbara ; Bischof, Hans-JoachimIn: Brain Research, Jg. 248 H. 1, S. 9-171982Age- and quality-dependent DNA methylation correlate with melanin-based coloration in a wild bird
Soulsbury, Carl D. ; Lipponen, Anssi ; Wood, Kristie ; Mein, Charles A. ; Hoffman, Joseph ; Lebigre, ChristopheIn: Ecology and Evolution, Jg. 8 H. 13, S. 1-112018Amorous scorpionflies: causes and consequences of the long pairing prelude of Panorpa cognata
Engqvist, Leif ; Sauer, Klaus PeterIn: Animal Behaviour, Jg. 63 H. 4, S. 667-6752002An 85K SNP Array Uncovers Inbreeding and Cryptic Relatedness in an Antarctic Fur Seal Breeding Colony
Humble, Emily ; Paijmans, Anneke ; Forcada, Jaume ; Hoffman, JosephIn: G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, Jg. 10 H. 8, S. 2787-27992020Analysis of Several Pathways for Efficient Killing of Prostate Cancer Stem Cells: A Central Role of NF-κB RELA
Witte, Kaya ; Pfitzenmaier, Jesco ; Storm, Jonathan ; Lütkemeyer, Melanie ; Wimmer, Clara ; Schulten, Wiebke ; Czaniera, Nele ; Geisler, Marvin ; Förster, Christine ; Wilkens, Ludwig ; Knabbe, Cornelius ; Mertzlufft, Fritz ; Kaltschmidt, Barbara ; am Esch, Jan Schulte ; Kaltschmidt, ChristianIn: International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Jg. 22 H. 162021Der Anteil akustischer Komponenten an der Auslösung der Balz männlicher Zebrafinken (Taeniopygia guttata castanotis)
Bischof, Hans-JoachimIn: Journal of Ornithology, Jg. 126 H. 3, S. 273-2791985Apparent survival of the salamander Salamandra salamandra is low because of high migratory activity
Schmidt, Benedikt R. ; Schaub, Michael ; Steinfartz, SebastianIn: Frontiers in Zoology, Jg. 4 H. 12007Applicability of Single-Camera Photogrammetry to Determine Body Dimensions of Pinnipeds: Galapagos Sea Lions as an Example
Meise, Kristine ; Mueller, Birte ; Zein, Beate ; Trillmich, FritzIn: PLoS ONE, Jg. 9 H. 72014Are endotherms emancipated?: some considerations on the cost of reproduction
Trillmich, FritzIn: Oecologia, Jg. 69 H. 4, S. 631-6331986Are marine iguanas endanged on islands with introduced predators?
Cayot, Linda J. ; Rassmann, Kornelia ; Trillmich, FritzIn: Noticias de Galápagos, Jg. 53, S. 13-151994Are olfactory cues involved in nest recognition in two social species of estrildid finches?
Krause, E. Tobias ; Caspers, BarbaraIn: PLoS ONE, Jg. 7 H. 52012Arousal enhances [14C]2-deoxyglucose uptake in four forebrain areas of the zebra finch
Bischof, Hans-Joachim ; Herrmann, KathrinIn: Behavioural Brain Research, Jg. 21 H. 3, S. 215-2211986Attendance and diving behavior of South American fur seals during El Nino in 1983
Trillmich, Fritz ; Kooyman, Gerald L. ; Majluf, Patricia ; Sanchez-Grinan, M. ; Gentry, Roger L. (Hrsg.) ; Kooyman, Gerald L. (Hrsg.)1986Attendance behavior of Galápagos fur seals
Trillmich, Fritz ; Gentry, Roger L. (Hrsg.) ; Kooyman, Gerald L. (Hrsg.)1986Attendance behavior of Galápagos sea lions
Trillmich, Fritz ; Gentry, Roger L. (Hrsg.) ; Kooyman, Gerald L. (Hrsg.)1986