The paper addresses the question of deve
lopmental-stylistic preconditions for the capacity of dealing with religious
diversity. Based upon the author’s previous typological por
trayal of inter-personal and inter-religious negotiation
styles – which have emerged from a cr
itical divergence from, and a construc
tive modification of, Fowler’s faith
development theory –, the paper presents both further conceptual clarification, but, perhaps even more importantly,
new empirical evidence. For conceptual
clarification, prominence is given to
philosophical reflections on the relation
to the Other, the Strange (xenosophy) and its consequences
for inter-religious dialog. Em
pirical evidence is based on
questionnaire data and faith development
interviews from a large sample of re
search participants from Germany and
the USA. The conceptual clar
ification and the empirical evidence for the
profile of inter-religi
ous negotiation styles
and their arrangement in a developmenta
l model finally leads to
conclusions about the chances of nurturing capacities
needed for dealing with religious diversity in th
e classroom communication in
religious education.