Burdened Futures: Educated Dalits' Quandaries in Contemporary Nepal
Pfaff-Czarnecka, JoannaIn: Contributions to Napalese Studies, Jg. 46 H. 2 (Special Issue: Nepal's Dalits in transition), S. 195-227Education sentimentale in migrant students' university trajectories. Family, and other significant relations
Pfaff-Czarnecka, Joanna ; Röttger-Rössler, Birgitt (Hrsg.) ; Slaby, Jan (Hrsg.)In: Affect in Relation. Families, places, technologies, Jg. 1, S. 50-71From "identity" to "belonging" in social research. Plurality, social boundaries, and the politics of the self
Pfaff-Czarnecka, JoannaIn: ESJ European Scientific Journal. Special edition: Contemporary Sri Lankan Society and Politics: Felicitation volume in honour of renowned Sri Lankan Sociologist Professor ST Hettige, Jg. 16 H. 39, S. 113 - 132Heterogenität an der Universität - Studieren mit Migrationshintergrund. Skizze eines Forschungsprojekts
Burger, Hannah ; Pfaff-Czarnecka, Joanna ; Pielage, Patricia ; Brandl, Heike (Hrsg.) ; Arslan, Emre (Hrsg.) ; Langelahn, Elke (Hrsg.) ; Riemer, Claudia (Hrsg.)Multiple Belonging and the Challenges to Biographic Navigation.
Pfaff-Czarnecka, JoannaIn: eSymposium, Jg. 3 H. 1Nepal and the Wealth of Knowledge. Inequality, Aspiration, Competition and Belonging
Pfaff-Czarnecka, Joanna2019Shaping Asia through Student Mobilities
Pfaff-Czarnecka, JoannaShaping Asia: Connectivities, Comparisons, Collaborations
Pfaff-Czarnecka, Joanna ; Brosius, ChristianeStatus of affines among high caste hindu in the Nepalese hill area
Pfaff-Czarnecka, Joanna ; Seeland, Klaus (Hrsg.)Stepping into the public arena: Western social anthropology on development processes in Nepal
Pfaff-Czarnecka, JoannaIn: European Bulletin of Himalayan Research, Jg. 5, S. 1-23Zugehörigkeit neu denken. Herausforderungen der Arbeitswelt von heute und morgen
Pfaff-Czarnecka, Joanna ; Geramanis, Olaf (Hrsg.) ; Hutmacher, Stefan (Hrsg.)