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zu den Filteroptionen25 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Sozialwissenschaften → Statistiken → Sammlungen allgemeiner Statistiken
(Um-)Fragen über (Um-)Fragen: Die Entstehung von Umfragedaten am Beispiel des European Social Survey (ESS)
Schnaudt, Christian ; Weinhardt, Michael ; Liebig, StefanIn: Gesellschaft-Wirtschaft-Politik, Jg. 65 H. 2, S. 189-198Aggregating infinitely many probability measures
Herzberg, FrederikIn: Theory and Decision, Jg. 78 H. 2, S. 319-337Bayes Estimation of Latent Class Mixed Multinomial Probit Models
Oelschläger, Lennart ; Bauer, Dietmar2021Bias in cohort-based comparisons of immigrants’ health outcomes between countries. A simulation study
Sauzet, Odile ; Razum, OliverIn: BMC Public Health, Jg. 19 H. 1From prejudice to racial profiling and back. A naἴve intuitive statistician's curse
Förster, Manuel ; Karos, Dominik2021The Linked Employer–Employee Study of the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP-LEE): Project Report
Weinhardt, Michael ; Meyermann, Alexia ; Liebig, Stefan ; Schupp, JürgenThe mistreatment of covariate interaction terms in linear model analyses of behavioural and evolutionary ecology studies
Engqvist, LeifIn: Animal Behaviour, Jg. 70 H. 4, S. 967-971Prevalence and Risk Factors of Infection in the Representative COVID-19 Cohort Munich
Pritsch, Michael ; Radon, Katja ; Bakuli, Abhishek ; Le Gleut, Ronan ; Olbrich, Laura ; Guggenbuehl Noller, Jessica Michelle ; Saathoff, Elmar ; Castelletti, Noemi ; Garí, Mercè ; Pütz, Peter ; Schaelte, Yannik ; Frahnow, Turid ; Wölfel, Roman ; Rothe, Camilla ; Pletschette, Michel ; Metaxa, Dafni ; Forster, Felix ; Thiel, Verena ; Riess, Friedrich ; Diefenbach, Maximilian Nikolaus [...]In: International journal of environmental research and public health, Jg. 18 H. 7Probabilistic temperature forecasting with a heteroscedastic autoregressive ensemble postprocessing model
Möller, Annette Christine ; Groß, JürgenIn: Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Jg. 146 H. 726, S. 211-224Publikationen in Gold-Open-Access-Journalen auf globaler und europäischer Ebene sowie in Forschungsorganisationen
Wohlgemuth, Michael ; Rimmert, Christine ; Taubert, Niels ChristianRuxolitinib-treated polycythemia vera patients and their risk of secondary malignancies
Sekhri, Rohit ; Sadjadian, Parvis ; Becker, Tatjana ; Kolatzki, Vera ; Huenerbein, Karlo ; Meixner, Raphael ; Marchi, Hannah ; Wallmann, Rudolf ; Fuchs, Christiane ; Griesshammer, Martin ; Wille, KaiIn: Annals of Hematology, Jg. 100 H. 11, S. 2707-2716"Selten gewinnt" - Rare wins. Changes in the frequencies of family names as a consequence of rational choice
Jockusch, Harald ; Fuhrmann, AlexanderIn: Beiträge zur Namenforschung, Jg. 45 H. 2, S. 127-142