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zu den Filteroptionen25 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Biowissenschaften; Biologie → Biowissenschaften; Biologie
e2g: an interactive web-based server for efficiently mapping large EST and cDNA sets to genomic sequences
Krüger, Jan ; Sczyrba, Alexander ; Kurtz, Stefan ; Giegerich, RobertIn: NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, Jg. 32 H. Web Server, S. W301-W304Early visual experience and the receptive-field organization of optic flow processing interneurons in the fly motion pathway
Karmeier, Katja ; Tabor, Rico ; Egelhaaf, Martin ; Krapp, Holger G.In: Visual neuroscience, Jg. 18 H. 1, S. 1-8Educational simulations for brains
Horstmann, Wolfram ; Lorenz, Sören ; Egelhaaf, Martin ; Elsner, Norbert (Hrsg.) ; Zimmermann, Herbert (Hrsg.)Effective ambiguity checking in biosequence analysis
Reeder, Janina ; Steffen, Peter ; Giegerich, RobertIn: BMC Bioinformatics, Jg. 6 H. 1Efficient visual homing based on Fourier transformed panoramic images
Stürzl, Wolfgang ; Mallot, H.A.In: Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Jg. 54 H. 4, S. 300-313Encoding of Naturalistic Optic Flow by a Population of Blowfly Motion-Sensitive Neurons
Karmeier, K. ; van Hateren, J.H. ; Kern, Roland ; Egelhaaf, MartinIn: J Neurophysiol., Jg. 96 H. 3, S. 1602-1614Engineering photosynthetic light capture: impacts on improved solar energy to biomass conversion
Mussgnug, Jan H. ; Thomas-Hall, Skye ; Rupprecht, Jens ; Foo, Alexander ; Klassen, Viktor ; McDowall, Alasdair ; Schenk, Peer M. ; Kruse, Olaf ; Hankamer, BenIn: PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL, Jg. 5 H. 6, S. 802-814Environmental enrichment has no effect on the development of dopaminergic and GABAergic fibers during methylphenidate treatment of early traumatized gerbils
Brummelte, Susanne ; Grund, Thorsten ; Moll, Gunther H. ; Teuchert-Noodt, Gertraud ; Dawirs, Ralph R.In: Journal of Negative Results in BioMedicine, Jg. 7 H. 1Erzeugung von genetisch veränderten Mäusen : Versuche zur transgenen Rettung der wobbler Mutation der Maus
Schmidt, Volker Christopher2002