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zu den Filteroptionen32 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Tiere (Zoologie) → Tiere (Zoologie)
Activity-dependent plasticity in visual forebrain areas of the zebra finch
Rollenhagen, Astrid ; Bischof, Hans-JoachimIn: Behavioural Brain Research, Jg. 81 H. 1-2, S. 207-213Are marine iguanas endanged on islands with introduced predators?
Cayot, Linda J. ; Rassmann, Kornelia ; Trillmich, FritzIn: Noticias de Galápagos, Jg. 53, S. 13-15Biological consequences of the 1982-83 El Nino in the eastern Pacific
Arntz, W. ; Pearcy, W. G. ; Trillmich, Fritz ; Trillmich, Fritz (Hrsg.)The complete primary structure of the marine carnivora, galapagoes fur seal (Arctocephalus galapagoensis, Otariidae) hemoglobins
Jahan, Meeno ; Ahmed, Aftab ; Trillmich, Fritz ; Braunitzer, GerhardIn: Journal of Protein Chemistry, Jg. 10 H. 3, S. 257-263Conservation problems on Galápagos: the showcase of evolution in danger
Trillmich, FritzIn: Die Naturwissenschaften, Jg. 79 H. 1, S. 1-6The cost of hovering and forward flight in a nectar-feeding bat, Glossophaga Soricina, estimated from aerodynamic theory
Norberg, Ulla M. ; Kunz, Thomas H. ; Steffensen, John Fleng ; Winter, York ; von Helversen, OttoIn: Journal of Experimental Biology, Jg. 182 H. 1, S. 207-227Development of the tectofugal visual system of normal and deprived zebra finches
Herrmann, Kathrin ; Bischof, Hans-Joachim ; Zeigler, Harris Philip (Hrsg.)The effects of El Nino on Galápagos pinnipeds
Trillmich, Fritz ; Dellinger, T. ; Trillmich, Fritz (Hrsg.)The effects of El Nino on pinniped populations in the eastern Pacific
Trillmich, Fritz ; Ono, K. A. ; Costa, D. P. ; DeLong, R. L. ; Feldkamp, S. D. ; Francis, J. M. ; Gentry, Roger L. ; Heath, C. B. ; Le Boeuf, B. J. ; Majluf, Patricia ; York, A. E. ; Trillmich, Fritz (Hrsg.)El Nino: effects of environmental stress on pinniped populations
Trillmich, Fritz ; Breckle, Siegmar-Walter (Hrsg.)In: Stress - auf allen Ebenen, Jg. 6, S. 103 ff.1992Energetic limits to brood care: influences on fertility, and longterm fitness consequences
Trillmich, FritzIn: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Jg. 84, S. 79-87Female aggression and male peace-keeping in a cichlid fish harem: conflict between and within the sexes in Lamprologus ocellatus
Walter, Bernhard ; Trillmich, FritzIn: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, Jg. 34 H. 2, S. 105-112Flight cost and economy of nectar-feeding in the bat Glossophaga Soricina (Phyllostomidae; Glossophaginae)
Winter, York ; Helversen, Otto von ; Norberg, Ulla M. ; Kunz, Thomas H. ; Steffensen, John Fleng ; Barthlott, W. (Hrsg.)In: Animal plant interactions in tropical environments, Jg. 1992, S. 167-174Foraging strategies of the Galapagos Marine Iguana (Amblyrhynchus Cristatus): adapting behavioral rules to ontogenetic size change
Wikelski, Martin ; Trillmich, FritzIn: Behaviour, Jg. 128 H. 3, S. 255-279Influence of adult courtship experience on the development of sexual preferences in zebra finch males
Immelmann, Klaus ; Pröve, Ragna ; Lassek, Reinhard ; Bischof, Hans-JoachimIn: Animal Behaviour, Jg. 42 H. 1, S. 83-89Influence of rare ecological events on pinniped social structure and population dynamics
Trillmich, Fritz ; Boyd, Ian L. (Hrsg.)Introductory remarks on the natural history of fur seals
Trillmich, Fritz ; Trillmich, Fritz (Hrsg.)Nectar concentration preference and water balance in a flower visiting bat, Glossophaga Soricina Antillarum
Roces, Flavio ; Winter, York ; von Helversen, Otto ; Barthlott, W. (Hrsg.)In: Animal plant interactions in tropical environments, Jg. 1992, S. 159-165