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zu den Filteroptionen103 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Sozialwissenschaften → Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie
Ideological Configurations and Prediction of Attitudes toward Immigrants in Chile and Germany
Carvacho, HectorIn: International Journal of Conflict and Violence, Jg. 4 H. 2, S. 220-2332010Sabine Grenz/Beate Kortendiek/Marianne Kriszio/Andrea Löther (Hg.): Gender Equality Programmes in Higher Education. International Perspectives, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag 2008
Mischau, AninaIn: IFFOnZeit, Onlinezeitschrift des Interdisziplinären Zentrums für Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung (IFF), Jg. 1 H. 1, S. 148-1532009Im Schutz der Disziplinen. Technikfolgenabschätzung in der Lehre zwischen Multi- und Transdisziplinarität
Bora, Alfons ; Mölders, Marc2008Im Süden alles anders?: Argumente für eine strukturgenetische Sozialisationsforschung
Sutter, Tilmann ; Charlton, Michael ; Sutter, Tilmann (Hrsg.) ; Charlton, Michael (Hrsg.)1994Immigration into European welfare states. How conflicts and inequalities are (re)produced
Faist, ThomasIn: МОНИТОРИНГ ОБЩЕСТВЕННОГО МНЕНИ = Monitoring of Public Opinion : Economic and Social Changes, Jg. 2018 H. 5, S. 165 - 1722018Immigration, integration and the ethnicization of politics: a review of German literature
Faist, ThomasIn: European Journal of Political Research, Jg. 25 H. 4, S. 439-4591994Impact of Contextual Factors and Substance Characteristics on Perspectives toward Cognitive Enhancement
Sattler, Sebastian ; Forlini, Cynthia ; Racine, Éric ; Sauer, CarstenIn: PLoS ONE, Jg. 8 H. 82013Impact of happy, sad, and angry mood on the processing of persuasive communication
Bohner, Gerd ; Hauschildt, Andrea ; Knäuper, BärbelIn: The German Journal of Psychology, Jg. 18, S. 136-1381994The Impact of Segregated Diversity on the Code of the Street. An Analysis of Violence-related Norms in Selected Post-Industrial Neighborhoods in Germany
Kurtenbach, Sebastian ; Rauf, AbdulIn: International Journal of Conflict and Violence, Jg. 132019The impact of the demographic aging on the health system in Germany - Simulations on the Basis of the IBS-Population Model
Birg, HerwigIn: Nüfusbilim dergisi = Turkish journal of population studies, Jg. 21, S. 3-141999The impact of the settlement structure on the tertiary sector of the regions of the Federal Republic of Germany
Birg, HerwigIn: Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, Jg. 1980 H. 3, S. 333-3381980The impact of within and between occupational inequalities on people’s justice perceptions towards their own earnings
Sauer, Carsten ; Valet, Peter ; Liebig, Stefan2013