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Adoption und Akzeptanz telemedizinischer Leistungen aus Perspektive der Nutzerinnen und Nutzer
Dockweiler, Christoph2016Alcohol consumption among university students: a Sino-German comparison demonstrates a much lower consumption of alcohol in Chinese students
Chu, Janet Junqing ; Jahn, Heiko J. ; Khan, Mobarak Hossain ; Krämer, AlexanderIn: JOURNAL OF HEALTH POPULATION AND NUTRITION, Jg. 35 H. 1Are we losing the battle against cardiometabolic disease? The case for a paradigm shift in primary prevention
Kraushaar, Lutz E. ; Krämer, AlexanderIn: BMC Public Health, Jg. 9 H. 1, S. 64 ff.Association between gap in spousal education and domestic violence in India and Bangladesh
Rapp, Daniel ; Zoch, Beate ; Khan, Mobarak Hossain ; Pollmann, Thorsten ; Krämer, AlexanderIn: BMC Public Health, Jg. 12 H. 1Association between Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) Indicators and the Nutritional Status of Children (6–23 Months) in Northern Ghana
Anin, Stephen Kofi ; Saaka, Mahama ; Fischer, Florian ; Krämer, AlexanderIn: Nutrients, Jg. 12 H. 9Associations between preschool attendance and developmental impairments in pre-school children in a six-year retrospective survey
Stich, Heribert L. ; Baune, Bernhard T. ; Caniato, Riccardo N. ; Krämer, AlexanderIn: BMC Public Health, Jg. 6 H. 1, S. 260 ff.Backcalculation of the number infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Germany
Seydel, Johannes ; Krämer, Alexander ; Rosenberg, Philip S. ; Wittkowski, Knut M. ; Gail, Mitchell H.In: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, Jg. 7 H. 1, S. 74-78Barriers and Strategies in Guideline Implementation—A Scoping Review
Fischer, Florian ; Lange, Kerstin ; Klose, Kristina ; Greiner, Wolfgang ; Krämer, AlexanderIn: Healthcare, Jg. 4 H. 3Belastungsfaktoren bei der Samenspende im Rahmen der Kinderwunschbehandlung und ihr Zusammenhang zur Samenqualität: Stress factors and semen quality at semen donation in an infertility treatment program
Stock, Christiane ; Weingärtner, S. ; Tinneberg, H.-R. ; Krämer, AlexanderIn: Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde, Jg. 59 H. 8, S. 408-412Besondere gastrointestinale Manifestationen einer generalisierten Zytomegalievirus-Infektion bei einem Patienten mit erworbenem Immundefektsyndrom
Krämer, Alexander ; Petersen, K. ; Schmidt, B. ; Menge, H. ; Gross, U. ; Riecken, Ernst-OttoIn: Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift, Jg. 110 H. 12, S. 462-468Body mass index and associated factors among refugees living in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany: a cross-sectional study
Belau, Matthias Hans ; Bassil, Muriel ; Laukamp, Annika ; Krämer, AlexanderIn: BMC nutrition, Jg. 7 H. 1Calculation of health expectancies with administrative data for North Rhine-Westphalia, a Federal State of Germany, 1999-2005.
Pinheiro, Joao Paulo ; Krämer, AlexanderIn: Population Health Metrics, Jg. 7 H. 1, S. 4 ff.